Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Recess! Theme: City Explorer

A pink and green graphic representation of the world, with text that reads City Explorer in black font.
Traveling to school or even out of the country doesn't happen much right now. Stretch your brain and learn about getting around -- everywhere!

City Explorer activities

Trip Planning

Street Design & Engineering

A screenshot from Google Streetview of a T-shaped street crossing in Portland where there are no sidewalks or crosswalks.
How does this street make you feel? Do you imagine it feels safe for everyone*? *Little children, people using mobility devices, pushing strollers, riding a bike, skateboarding, driving, etc. 
  • Pick an intersection or street crossing near you that feels unsafe.
    Feeling unsafe can mean many things. Fast traffic, no sidewalks, or somewhere you feel uncomfortable or have seen or experienced harassment. What does safe mean to you?
    • Reflect on what makes you or others feel unsafe at that location. What would you change to improve crossing or traveling along that street?
    • Draw or write changes you would make, or use Chicago's Design a Street (below) for a redesign. 
  • Design a virtual city street usingStreetmix.

Tips for using Streetmix:

  • Click items on the bottom of the screen to add them to your street, then resize and rotate them

Visit Streetmix website  

Short Videos

Julian Molina stands behind a brown BMX bicycle. He is wearing a black helmet and large button-up camouflage jacket. He is smiling. Julian has one leg..
Julian Molina representing his sponsor, GT Bicycles. PC:
  • NEW! Riding through Oakland with the Scraper Bike Team (2:53)
    The Scraper Bike Team builds their community in Oakland's streets. Where do you feel a sense of community in Portland? 

    Watch Scraper Bike video

  • Spotlight on Colombian BMX rider, Julián Molina(5:13)
    We all deal with our own challenges. Julián uses BMX to be inspired and connected. What moves you? What makes you happy?

Watch Julián Molina video  

  • NEW! The Civil Rights Era Roots of Roller Skating (2:57)
    Atlanta's African American roller skating culture builds community and resiliency. Are there places on our streets where this happens, too, or do you need to be in a building?

Watch Atlanta roller skating video

  • How to load your bike on a TriMet bus rack (3:56)
    When might you see yourself using both your bike and the bus?

Watch bus rack video

  • How a phone app can help people with visual impairments access transit (2:13)
    Can you think of places around Portland where people with visual impairments could benefit from this service? 

Watch phone app video

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