Line 75 – Cesar Chavez/Lombard

Graphic summarizing key benefits for the Line 75
Through the Rose Lane Project, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will help improve speed and reliability for the bus Line 75.
On this page

Why is transit priority needed on the Line 75? 

  • Approximately 8,910 people rode the Line 75 daily in fall 2019.  

  • During the most congested times, each rider’s trip one-way on the Line 75 could take up to 30 minutes longer than normal.  

  • Combined, Line 75 buses are delayed for 77 hours each day due to traffic.* If you add that up for all Line 75 riders, that’s 3,216 hours of people’s time lost!  

  • This delay wastes people’s time, costs our system money and keeps TriMet from being able to run more buses in this corridor.  

*Based on 2018 observed run time data 

Rose Lane project along the Line 75 

This proposed project is not currently active. It is not funded. There is no timeline for further planning, project development or public engagement at this time. It remains in the “Exploratory & planning” phase.

Proposed project 

Project location: NE Cesar E Chavez Blvd (SE Stark to I-84) 
Project type: Bus-and-turn lanes both directions, stop optimization, and improvements to Coe Circle operations
Transit lines benefitting: 75, 66 

Visualization of Rose Lane improvement on Cesar Chavez
Proposed improvement on Cesar Chavez between Stark and I-84 (note: not final design)

What the Rose Lane Project will do for riders of the Line 75

The proposed Rose Lane project along the Line 75 could lead to faster trips through a congested stretch of Cesar Chavez Blvd, saving riders up to a minute end to end in the PM peak.

Let's look at a typical trip: What could this look like for someone commuting home from a job at Fred Meyer at W Burnside and NW 20th to a residence at NE 42nd and Prescott? This person could save around 6 minutes from the Rose Lane improvements along that portion of the Line 20 and Line 75.

  • Travel time today: 59 minutes 

  • With Rose Lanes: 53 minutes (9% faster) 

Potential impacts and considerations for other modes 

There are potential trade-offs to consider when implementing transit priority improvements. The impact of Rose Lane improvements on other modes will be considered along with the potential transit benefit of each improvement. 

Emergency vehicles – Emergency response vehicles will be able to use the BAT lane to bypass motor vehicle congestion.  

Traffic travel time and diversion – Drivers on Cesar Chavez approaching the Glisan traffic circle in the outside lanes already have to turn right onto Glisan, while buses can use the outside lanes to travel through the intersection. The proposed project would extend this traffic pattern further north and south, making the outside lanes “right turn except bus” at every intersection. The proposed improvements along this corridor will likely cause some additional delay for drivers at peak times. These impacts are not expected to cause operational or safety impacts in the corridor. As we evaluate the performance of the Rose Lane pilots, we may make needed refinements in the future. 

Parking removal – There is no expected parking removal associated with this project.  

Next steps 

This proposed project is not currently active. It is not funded. There is no timeline for further planning, project development or public engagement at this time. It remains in the “Exploratory & planning” phase.

We expect to consult the community when we continue refining the design of this proposed project as funding becomes available.