Line 73 – 122nd Ave

Graphic summarizing key benefits for the Line 73
Through the Rose Lane Project, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will help improve speed and reliability for the bus Line 73.
On this page

Why is transit priority needed on the Line 73? 

  • Approximately 4,390 people rode the Line 73 daily in fall 2019.  

  • During the most congested times, each rider’s trip one-way on the Line 73 could take up to 17 minutes longer than normal.  

  • Combined, Line 73 buses are delayed for 36 hours each day due to traffic.* If you add that up for all Line 73 riders, that’s 1,149 hours of people’s time lost!  

  • This delay wastes people’s time, costs our system money and keeps TriMet from being able to run more buses in this corridor.  

*Based on 2018 observed run time data 

What the Rose Lane Project will do for riders of the Line 73 

Combined, the funded and proposed Rose Lane projects along the Line 73 could lead to faster trips and help people reach more places: 

A faster trip 

The projects identified along the Line 73 to date could save riders between 1 and 2 minutes if they traveled from end to end during the PM peak. If you ride the Line 73 round trip, five days a week, you could get up to 6 hours of your time back each year! 

What would this look like for someone traveling from Alice Ott Middle School (SE 122nd and SE Ramona) to John Luby City Park (NE 128th at NE Russell) at 5 p.m.? This person could save around 2 minutes just from the Rose Lane improvements along that portion of the Line 73 route:

  • Travel time today: 48 minutes 

  • With Rose Lanes: 46 minutes (2% faster) 

Ability to reach more places 

Faster trips mean you can reach more places within a reasonable transit ride. The map below shows the change in number of jobs and places people can access due the Rose Lane projects identified to date along the Line 73. The darker the shading, the more jobs and destinations you can now reach from that starting place in 45 minutes by transit. 

Map showing increase in access to jobs due to Rose Lane projects benefitting the Line 73
Demographic groupAll ResidentsBlack ResidentsPeople of ColorHouseholds in Poverty
Average estimated change in jobs/places reachable in 45 minutes by transit due to Line 73 improvements+110+120+130+140

Rose Lane projects along the Line 73 

Funded and in progress projects through Fixing our Streets 

Project location: 122nd Ave approaching Burnside and Powell 
Project type: Right turn except bus lanes with signal priority, along with bus stop and safety access improvements  
Transit lines benefitting: 73 

Learn more about the 122nd Avenue Plan

Proposed projects 

Proposed pilot design for bus-only lane with right-turn pockets approaching Halsey. Exact design to be refined through further project development. 
Proposed pilot design for bus-only lane with right-turn pockets approaching Halsey. Exact design to be refined through further project development. 

Project location: NE 122nd Ave approaching Halsey 
Project type: Bus-only lane approaching Halsey, both directions, with separate right-turn pockets; relocating bus stop to far-side of intersection 
Transit lines benefitting: 73 

Project location: SE 122nd Ave approaching Holgate
Project type: Right turn except bus lane (design to be refined through the 122nd Avenue planning process)  
Transit lines benefitting: 73 

Potential impacts and considerations for other modes 

There are potential trade-offs to consider when implementing transit priority improvements. The impact of Rose Lane improvements on other modes will be considered along with the potential transit benefit of each improvement. 

Emergency vehicles – Emergency response vehicles can use transit priority lanes to bypass motor vehicle congestion. 

Bike facilities – In the proposed design at Halsey, bikes will share the right turn lane northbound (same as current conditions), while southbound, we are striving to create a five-foot bike lane. The project team is exploring further improvements to traffic signals and curb design in this area to improve bike passage. The 122nd Avenue Plan includes a buffered bike lane both directions along this corridor. 

Pedestrian facilities – At NE Halsey, the proposed pilot project will require a reduction to the current curb extension to create separation for southbound cyclists. Throughout the corridor, the 122nd Avenue Plan includes improved pedestrian crossings.  

Traffic travel time and diversion – The proposed projects will somewhat reduce roadway motor vehicle capacity. In peak hours, this may increase delay for drivers at these intersections. The project team will pilot the improvements and monitor impacts, making refinements as needed. 

Parking removal – There is no expected parking removal associated with the Rose Lane projects. The draft proposed 122nd Avenue Plan does include repurposing parking space elsewhere in the corridor for improved multi-modal movement.  

Next steps 

In 2021, we expect to consult the community as we continue refining the design of these proposed projects. The proposed Rose Lane pilot projects along the Line 73 complement a slate of recommendations in the 122nd Avenue Plan that focus on safe access to transit stops, transit priority at key intersections, and higher quality transit stops. From public engagement during the 122nd Avenue Plan and the East Portland Arterial Streets Strategy, we’ve heard a desire from East Portlanders for improved safety in the vein of better lighting, safer crossings, and safer feeling spaces for transit riders.