Montgomery Park, 2nd Floor Mezzanine
2701 NW Vaughn Street Portland, OR 97210
1. Our committee passed a recommendation in 2023 requesting a fixed percentage of revenue from all rides which was sent to the PBOT Director and returned to our committee for more rationale and details, which died in subcommittee (Fees and Fares Subcommittee chaired by and staffed by Taxi owners).
2. This topic is complicated and complex. It needs to be broken down into components with volunteers to champion each, within a very challenging timeframe.
3. Identify the components, gather input, condense and present.
4. Components:
1. Justification: why the current system isn’t working: Focus on past and present failures and make a strong argument for change.
2. Goals and Definitions: High level, big picture. Define fair compensation, a structure to achieve it now and going forward, with accountability for good faith adherence by the TNCs.
A. Overall target of Wages and Compensation components: Wages, bonuses and non cash benefits (sick time, personal days, Workers Com, etc)
B. Definitions: Net wages after expenses
C. Calculations, assumptions, formulas
D. Hourly guarantees, per ride?
3. Compilation of Details and Components to Achieve Goals: Hoping for a massive amount of input from members and drivers!
A. Review complaints and recommendations
B. Match recommendations to Goals
4. Present to Committee in April