Report an Issue with a Rideshare Company

This form is intended to help TNC drivers describe complaints about TNC companies, drivers, or other industry-related issues to a neutral and independent mediator who will attempt to resolve the complaint(s).

5 to 10 minutes

Before submitting this form, drivers are required to attempt to resolve the complaint with the company. General complaint trends will be shared with the TNC Drivers Advisory Committee.

Which TNC companies do you operate for?
Which TNC company are you filing this complaint about?
Have you filed the complaint with your company?
Complaint category
Please provide a detailed account of what your complaint is.

Your Contact Information

First and last name.

Next Steps

The City of Portland is unable to take action on a complaint if you haven't already filed with your TNC. Please submit through your TNC's mobile app process and then return to initiate the complaint with the Regulatory Division. Thank you.