Emergency shelters open overnight

The shelters are open from 8 p.m. until at least noon Wednesday. More information is at Multnomah County's Care for When It's Cold website: Multco.us/Cold. Check on your neighbors. Find city services information.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Cinco de Mayo Safe Ride Home Event

Community Event
Get up to $20 off a taxi ride or $10 off an Uber or Lyft ride with a digital coupon. Rides must start in Portland city limits. Valid dates are Friday, May 3rd from 5 pm-midnight, Saturday, May 4th from 5 pm-midnight, and Sunday, May 5th from 5 pm-midnight. While supplies last.
yellow banner with various graphics resembling celebrations
5:00 pm 12:00 am

The City of Portland wants you to get home safely from your Cinco de Mayo celebrations.  We are providing a limited number of coupons for discounted rides in a taxi, Uber or Lyft.

Safe Ride Home coupons are valid for rides starting in Portland on May 3, 4, and 5.  Rides must begin between 5 p.m. and midnight on all 3 nights. 


Over the holiday weekend, revelers could get up to $20 off one Radio Cab ride in Portland with the Radio Cab app 


People were offered up to $20 off one Broadway Cab ride in Portland, download the Broadway Cab app for Android or the Broadway Cab app from the Apple store.   


Up to $10 off one Lyft ride in Portland was offered to people in Portland. Coupon is now expired. 


To get $10 off one Uber ride in Portland was offered.  Coupon is now expired.  


Visit the Portland Cinco de Mayo Fiesta on the waterfront 

Ride safely with TriMet!

Hop on a Portland Streetcar, MAX, or TriMet bus and arrive safely.  

To plan your trip, visit their website

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