Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

TSP Video Library

A collection of videos that inform about different aspects of long-range planning and transportation. We anticipate this collection will grow over time.
PBOT released a Rose Lanes effective use of space illustration video February 2020 as part of TSP Implementation.

The City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability produced the following series of five videos in 2014 featuring the City’s growth management strategy: focused housing and job growth in vibrant centers and bustling corridors.

Walking with Anjeanette was created in 2018 in conjunction with the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication in Portland for PedPDX: Portland's Citywide Pedestrian Plan and illustrates a lived experience of growth and change in Portland.

The video below was made by PBOT in 2018 for the Central City in Motion Project, and illustrates implementation of TSP frameworks for right of way use for different transportation modes in the Central City.

Other Resources

How do you fix a broken street? Portland tries on Division

On OPB July 10, 2018 by Anna Griffin

Your Portland commute could be so much worse. Here's why it isn't.

Oregon Live August 20, 2018 by Melissa Lewis

Road diets: designing a safer street

Vox July 25, 2018 by Carlos Waters

How highways wrecked American cities

Vox, May 11, 2016:

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