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Transportation Demand Management Plans for Commercial/Mixed Use Zones


TDM requirements for Residential Use development: 

Under Title 33, a development in a commercial/ mixed use or multi-dwelling zones that includes a building with more than 10 new dwelling units and is close to transit is required to have a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan approved prior to the issuance of a building permit.

These TDM Plans are meant to prevent, reduce, and mitigate the impacts of the new development on the transportation system, neighborhood livability, safety, and the environment, while providing safe and efficient mobility options. 

1. Is your project subject to the TDM requirement? (all four must apply to trigger requirement)

  • Located in a Commercial/ Mixed Use Zone (CR, CX, CM1, CM2, CM3, CE) or Multi-Dwelling Zone (RM1, RM2, RM3, RM4, RX and RMP)
  • Includes a building with more than 10 new dwelling units
  • Located close to transit (within 500 feet of a Transit Street and 1,500 feet of a Transit Station) - view map in PortlandMaps
  • Located outside of the Central City Plan District 

2. Select a TDM Plan Option 

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plans for Residential Uses Administrative Rule and Procedures Guide: 

TRN-9.02 - Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plans for Residential Uses Administrative Rule and Procedures Guide

Related Code Chapters

Chapter 33.266.410.B - Transportation and Parking Demand Management (page 34) 

Chapter 33.852 - Transportation Impact Review 

Chapter 17.107 - Transportation and Parking Demand Management 

Other Materials

Frequently Asked Questions

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