Grant Opportunities
Metro Nature in Neighborhoods restoration grants: The Nature in Neighborhoods grant provides funding for projects related to preserving and restoring local habitats and increasing access to protected natural areas. Eligible applicants include community groups, watershed councils, neighborhood associations, nonprofits, faith groups, and service groups with nonprofit status.
Funding: One- or two-year grants are up to $100,000
Metro Community Placemaking grants: The Community Placemaking grant from Metro focuses on community challenges or opportunities through arts-based, equity-focused projects. Creative projects that address program objectives of placemaking, equity, partnerships, and leadership are encouraged. Eligible applicants include community-based organizations, public agencies, and unincorporated organizations with a fiscal sponsor.
Funding: $5,000 - $25,000
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Recreational Trails Grants: Projects may include building new trails, restoring existing trails, acquiring land and permanent easements, and water trails.
Funding: minimum $10,000; 20% match required. Match can include volunteer labor, equipment, materials, and other grants or donations.
East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District Small Projects and Community Events (SPACE) Grants: The SPACE grant provides funding to support conservation projects, conservation education, and community events that promote natural resource conservation. Nonprofits, educational institutions, government agencies, and Native American tribes are eligible applicants.
Projects applying for funding from the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District must publicly benefit one of the following: habitat restoration or watershed health, soil erosion prevention/control, soil health, water quality, water conservation, and/or environmental education.
Funding: up to $2,000
Learn more about EMSWCD grants
Bureau of Environmental Services Community Watershed Stewardship Grant: The Community Watershed Stewardship Grant involves community members and improves the health of our watersheds.
The Community Watershed Stewardship Program focuses on helping Portlanders make improvements in their neighborhoods and communities while also improving watershed health.
Funding: up to $12,000
Portland Parks Foundation Small Grants Program: Portland Parks Foundation small grants program focuses on supporting community organizations whose work relates to creating or caring for public parks, natural areas, and other spaces. Specifically, eligible projects include organizational development, programming, events, transportation, challenge grants or other projects. Eligible applicants include organizations with an active governing body and Friends Groups.
Funding: $2,000
Apply: spring and fall grant cycles.
Learn more about Rails-to-Trails grants
Trails Advocates
Northwest Trail Alliance advocate for trail access, mountain bike riding opportunities, and to build, maintain, and ride sustainable trails.
P.O. Box 1846
Portland, OR 97207-1846
The Intertwine Alliance has a vast array of knowledge about trails and trail building in the Portland region. See their website for more information.
P.O. Box 14039
Portland, OR 97293
Phone: 503-445-0991; Email:
Trailkeepers of Oregon inspires action for the protection and enhancement of the Oregon hiking experience through advocacy, stewardship, education, and outreach.
P.O. Box 14814
Portland, OR 97293
Phone: 971-206-4351; Email:
Tool Loan Programs
ReBuilding Center sells donated tools and materials at low prices and is a great resource for trail builders all over the city.
3625 N. Mississippi Ave.
Portland, OR, 97227
Phone: (503) 331-9291; Email:
NE Portland Tool Library members can check out tools for one week. Members must also live in Northeast Portland.
5431 NE 20th Avenue
Portland, OR 97211
Green Lents Tool Library members can check out tools for one week. Members must also live in Lents, Brentwood-Darlington, Centennial, Glenfair, Hazelwood, Foster-Powell, Mill Park, Montavilla, Mt. Scott-Arleta, Powelhurst-Gilbert, Pleasant Valley.
9215 SE Ramona Street
Portland 97266
Phone: (971) 266-4196; Email:
Watershed Resource Center hosts a free tool loan program for community members based out of the Portland Building.
Phone: 503-865-6759; Email:
Documents and Notes
Comprehensive Plan: The importance of trails as a piece of Portland’s transportation system is detailed in Chapter 6 of the Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, trails are mentioned in the following policies:
- • 6.22.E. Pedestrian Transportation. Develop a citywide network of pedestrian trails that increases pedestrian access for recreation and
- • 6.41.E. Southwest Transportation District. Use the Southwest Urban Trails Plan as a guide to dedicating and developing trail segments in Southwest.
The Pedestrian Master Plan: The purpose of the Pedestrian Master Plan is to establish a 20-year framework for improvements that will enhance the pedestrian environment and increase opportunities to choose walking as a mode of transportation. The City of Portland is currently updating the Pedestrian Master Plan to create PedPDX.
Zoning maps can help you to determine if your trail is in an Environmental Protection (p) or Conservation (c) zone. Find the quadrant that your proposed trail is in to figure out if any types of environmental review will be necessary before you begin construction.
SW Urban Trails Plan: This Plan supports the City’s pedestrian transportation policy which calls for the City to complete a pedestrian network that serves short trips and transit, improves the quality of the pedestrian environment, increases pedestrian safety and convenience, encourages walking, and explores a range of funding options for pedestrian improvements.
Trail Design Guidelines: Types A, C, and J trail design standards are suggested in the Urban Trails Program. Type A trails are steep, narrow, irregular routes that may include steps and obstacles such as rocks and roots. Type C trails are accessible hiking trails that have surface, slopes, and widths that meet or exceed the dimensions of the Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines. Type J trails have surface and slope for both mountain bikes and hikers.