Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

PedPDX Background Information

Graphic of intersection with words Ped printed horizontally and PDX printed vertically. Graphic is green and blue. Pedestrian's Citywide Pedestrian Plan in blue with graphic of different types of people walking and rolling.

On June 12, 2019, PedPDX was unanimously adopted by City Council. 

PedPDX Awards

2019 Oregon Walks Weston Award for Walking While Black Engagement in PedPDX: Portland's Citywide Pedestrian Plan

The 2019 Weston Awards - Oregon Walks. Graphic of a boot with wings.

Issued by Oregon Walks · Nov 2019

Weston Award winners are activists, groups, business leaders, or neighborhood superstars who have shown commitment and dedication to making our streets safer and more accessible for everyone.

IAP2 USA General Project Category Core Values Award

Project of the Year Core Values Award

IAP2 International Project of the Year Core Values Award for PedPDX: Portland's Citywide Pedestrian Plan

iap2 logo in navy blue with the red 2 above and to the right of the p. international association for public participation - USA

Issued by International Association for Public Participation · Nov 2019

The IAP2 Core Values Awards recognize and encourage projects and organizations that are at the forefront of public participation. The Awards were created to encourage excellence, quality and innovation in public participation internationally, embedding the IAP2 Core Values in organizations and projects that demonstrate leading practice is a key focus for the awards. In the USA, PedPDX won for the General Project Category then won Project of the Year out of all the winning project categories. Of all the national winners submitted, PedPDX co-won the top award with Australia’s Plan Your Brisbane!

WTS Portland 2019 Innovative Transportation Solution Award for PedPDX: Portland's Citywide Pedestrian Plan

WTS - Advancing women, Advancing transportation

Issued by WTS Portland (Women in Transportation) · Nov 2019

The Innovative Transportation Solution award salutes an innovative transportation solution, initiative, project or policy led by a woman.

Champion for Healthy Environments Award

Words OPHA in a silhouette of Oregon State. Oregon Public Health Association. "Working together to make health happen."

Issued by the Oregon Public Health Association (OHPA) · Oct 2019

Nominated by the Multnomah County Health Department, the award was for a person, team or organization that has made an outstanding contribution to creating healthy environments in their community.

PedPDX Plan, Interactive Maps, Planning Process, and Video Walkthrough

Click here to read the plan

Click Here to explore Interactive Maps - See how PedPDX street classifications, needs, and prioritization apply to Portland streets. Graphic of a map outlined in light green.
Learn about the PedPDX planning process by watching the video below. Graphic of an arrow.
Image of PedPDX Plan cover. Click Here to view a walkthrough video of the PedPDX plan.

PedPDX Documents

PedPDX | Complete Plan

Two-page (front and back) info sheet about PedPDX for printing and sharing.

MS Word version of the two-page (front and back) info sheet about PedPDX. 



CAC Meeting Documents

All PedPDX meeting materials are available in formats that function with accessible readers for the visually impaired. To request such versions, please email and let us know what we can have the pleasure to send you.

Meeting 10: February 20, 2019

Meeting 9: November 28, 2018

Meeting 8: September 26, 2018

Meeting 7: May 30, 2018

Meeting 6: April 25, 2018

Final Updated Mission, Vision, Goals, Objectives

Meeting 5: February 28, 2018

Meeting 4: January 23, 2018

Meeting 3: October 29, 2017

Meeting 2: August 30, 2017

Meeting 1: June 28, 2017

Vision Zero 

Portland is committed to ending traffic violence in our communities. Through the Vision Zero program, the City of Portland and our partners are working to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on our streets by 2025.

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