Meeting Focus:
- Review Existing Conditions Atlas
- Needs and Opportunities Mapping Workshop
Project: North Portland In Motion (NoPIM)
Purpose: Community Advisory Group Meeting #2
Date: October 26, 2021
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom, Meeting ID: 847 8391 7994; Passcode: 152179; 1-253-215-8782
- Stephanie Blair, St Johns Center for Opportunity
- Jonna Lynn Bransford, Resident - University Park
- Aaron Brown, Oregon Walks, St Johns
- Paul Buchanan, Portsmouth NA
- Jennie Cambier, University of Portland
- Nic Cota, Bike Loud, Overlook
- Brett Duesing, Resident, St Johns
- Kali Glenn-Haley, Resident, University Park
- Ally Holmqvist, BAC, Cathedral Park
- Pat Jewett, Resident/NP Greenway, St Johns
- Jesse Neilson, Resident, Kenton
- Ryan Northam, Resident, Arbor Lodge
- Lauren Smith Plinski, Portland Community College.
- Rebecca Small, Friends of Columbia Park, Kenton
- Beth Status, Arbor Lodge NA
- Ethan Stuckmayer, Resident, St Johns
- Carol Tricoche/ Liz Smith, St Johns Boosters
- Jennifer Vitello, Cathedral Park NA
- Libby Winter, WTS, Arbor Lodge
- Zef Wagner, PBOT
- Mike Serritella, PBOT
- Jessica Pickul, JLA
- Nicole Metildi, JLA
6:00 p.m. Welcome and Introductions Jessica
6:05 p.m. Existing Conditions Overview Mike / Zef
6:30 pm. Public Comment Jessica
6:40 p.m. Group Activity: Needs + Opportunities Jessica
7:25 p.m. Wrap Up, Next Meeting + Next Steps Mike
7:30 p.m. Conclude Meeting