PBOT refined the Green Loop path alignment and design concept through the River District to support the Green Loop element of the USPS Masterplan proposal. The refinements are included in the adopted River District Right-of-Way Standards.
On April 22, 2020, City Council adopted updates to the River District Right of Way Standards (Ordinance No. 189932), including refinements to the Green Loop alignment.
2020 River District Right of Way Standards
The green Loop is a proposed multi-use path connecting Central City neighborhood. more information can be found on the BPS website for the Green Loop.
The current previous concept is included in the Central City in Motion implementation plan as a part of Project 16 - NW Park/9th
Public Engagement
PBOT Staff are sharing information and seek feedback from stakeholder organizations and community members related to the revised concept for the CCIM project adjacent to the North Park Blocks.
- Briefing and Discussion with the Pearl District Neighborhood Association Land Use and Transportation Committee (11/19/2019)
- Briefing and Discussion with the Central City in Motion Working Group. (1/8/2020)
- February, 2020 - Central City in Motion Open Houses
- April 22, 2020- Ordinance for adoption by Portland City Council as a part of the River District Right-of-Way Standards