Columbia/Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan

The Columbia/Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan is a plan to address safety, mobility, and access for freight, active transportation, and public transit both along the corridor (east/west) and across it (north/south).

Current News

After two years of community engagement, advisory committee meetings, and technical analysis, the final recommended draft of the Columbia / Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan has been adopted by City Council. Thanks to everyone who participated in the development of this plan. We look forward to begin working on implementing the recommendations in the plan. 

Project Overview

Columbia Lombard Corridor Plan

NE Columbia Blvd and NE Lombard St, running parallel on opposite sides of the Kenton Line railroad, are vital links in the regionally-identified mobility corridor running east and west between the I-5 and I-205 freeways. Both corridors are on the City's High Crash Network, and are suffering from aging infrastructure, gaps and deficiencies in the bicycle and pedestrian network, and inconsistent travel times. All users would benefit from improvements that would enhance mobility and access, provide greater connectivity, and reduce conflicts.

View the Adopted Plan

The final Columbia / Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan can be accessed using the links below. This draft was adopted by City Council on July 21, 2021. (NoteThe Plan document has maps and information that may not work with a screen reader. While we work toward providing that level of accessibility, please contact to reach PBOT staff who can assist with providing access to the information in the plan.   You can also contact PBOT’s ADA Coordinator at or at 503-823-5703. Thank you for your patience and understanding.)

View an Executive Summary of the plan here:


You can also view a seven-minute overview of the plan document at this link. If you have comments or questions you can email them to the project team.

 Please sign up for email updates here if you would like to be notified of news concerning this project. 

Archive of Previously Published Material 

Would your group like to talk to our project team about mobility needs in the corridor?

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