Are You Near an Unimproved ROW?


There are a couple ways to find out the locations of unimproved PBOT rights of ways:

1. Check out the map linked below! On this map, any dotted gray line (the legend terms these areas “impassible”) are valid for this process. Some routes that are in red may be as well (although some of this areas are gravel streets, which may not be able to go through the process because they provide valuable automobile and/or emergency vehicle access). If you’re looking for potential ROWs around a specific address, go to and enter the address.The map that pops up will show public ROWs – they will be any area that does not have an associated property number. 

3. Ask us. Email with your address and we’ll find out for you!

This guide will clarify responsibilities for property owners, neighbors, and community members:

Use this map to find out if you live near an undeveloped ROW: