Contractors with PBOT stamp concrete into a red brick pattern in median islands on NE 82nd Avenue at NE Schuyler Street (left) and NE Beech Street (right). Contractors are completingthese finishing touches on six new pedestrian crossings along 82nd Avenue. When the weather allows, contractors will install crosswalk striping and PBOT will turn on the new signals.
Construction Updates
Overview: February 3-14
In the next two weeks, PBOT will have several active work zones along NE/SE 82nd Avenue and adjacent streets with lane closures and detours of side streets. Please travel safely around work zones and pay attention to all flaggers, detour signs, and traffic control devices.
Details and traffic impacts:
- NE 82nd between Milton and Fremont – sidewalk work will require lane closures and pedestrian detours
- NE Fremont between 81st and 83rd – underground work east and west of 82nd will require lane closures
- SE Mill at 82nd – corner ramp work, tree removal, and sidewalk construction on the south side of SE Mill, east of 82nd Avenue will require a two-day road closure February 4 - 5 from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and lane closures February 5 - 14.
- SE 82nd between Harrison and Division – underground work will require lane closures
- SE 85th between Woodward Court and Brooklyn - contractors will construct an alterative driveway to create access to the east side of Fubonn Shopping Center from SE 85th Avenue. This will maintain access to Fubonn while construction continues on 82nd Avenue.
- SE Woodwardbetween 82nd and 81st - underground work will require a side street closure of Woodward west of 82nd and a detour February 10 - 14.
- SE 82nd at Kelly – underground work will require lane closures on 82nd and a side street closure of SE Kelly east of 82nd.
In addition to the above worksites, sump testing will take place at various locations, requiring lane closures.
Learn more about 82nd Avenue construction
82nd Avenue Transit Project: Share feedback on the proposed route and station locations
TriMet is upgrading bus service on 82nd Avenue to TriMet FX®–Frequent Express. This will bring more service reliability and faster travel times, plus safety and accessibility improvements, to the corridor.
Last week, TriMet hosted an in-person open house to discuss the 82nd Avenue Transit Project with nearly 100 attendees! Couldn't make it? You can still give feedback online through February 14.
Check out maps of the proposed route and station locations at
Share your feedback by February 14
82nd Avenue is Open for Business During Construction!
82nd Avenue is home to hundreds of locallyowned and culturally diverse businesses. We invite you to show82nd Avenue businesses some love during and after construction.
Grants and programs available
Mini-Grants for non-profit organizations available
With Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) mini grants, organizations can apply for up to $5,000 for activities that align with goals of addressing climate change and advancing racial and social justice.
Upcoming meetings and events
No upcoming events - stay tuned!
Related efforts
82nd Avenue Transit Project
The 82nd Avenue Transit Project will bring high-capacity FX–Frequent Express bus service along SE 82nd Avenue, between Clackamas Town Center and the Cully neighborhood.
Learn more about the 82nd Avenue Transit Project
82nd Avenue Community Coalition
Throughout the public engagement process, PBOT will be working alongside the 82nd Avenue Coalition. Convened by Oregon Walks, Verde, APANO, and Unite Oregon, this coalition is made up of people and organizations that live, work, and play along 82nd Avenue.