City of Portland fulfills its financial commitment to 82nd Avenue corridor
The historic investment in Portland’s 82nd Avenue corridor was made official last month with the adoption of the Building a Better 82nd Avenue Plan on December 4 by Portland City Council. Less than two weeks later, on December 18, the Council allocated $55.5M to investments on 82nd Avenue – focusing on bus rapid transit, sidewalks and pedestrian crossings, with funding from the Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF). This funding fulfills the City’s commitment to invest in 82nd Avenue as part of the 2022 transfer of ownership of the roadway from the Oregon Department of Transportation. With this action, the City has now exceeded its promised $35M funding commitment to 82nd Avenue.
Construction Updates
Overview: January 6 - 10
Next week, PBOT will have several active work zones along NE/SE 82nd Avenue. Please travel safely around work zones and pay attention to all flaggers and all traffic control devices.
Between NE Sandy and SE Division streets, there are five active construction work zones on 82nd Avenue. Active construction work zones are highlighted in the map above in light yellow, and include 82nd Avenue between NE Beech and Fremont streets; at the intersections of NE Klickitat, NE Schuyler, and SE Ash; and between SE Mill and Division streets.
Between SE Mill and Lambert streets, there are two active construction work zones on 82nd Avenue. Active construction work zones are highlighted in the map above in light yellow, and include 82nd Avenue between SE Mill and Division streets and at the intersection of SE Clinton street.
Details and traffic impacts: January 6 - 10
- NE 82nd at Beech – median island construction will require lane closures
- NE 82nd at Milton – curb ramp work
- NE Fremontbetween 81st and 82nd avenues – underground work will require a lane closure during daytime hours on 1/9, 1/10 and 1/13. Westbound traffic will be detoured to NE Sandy Boulevard.
- NE 82nd at Klickitat – median island construction will require lane closures
- NE 82nd at Schuyler – median island construction will require lane closures
- SE 82nd at Ash – median island construction, tree planting will require lane closures
- SE 82nd between SE Mill and Division – underground work will require lane closures on 82nd Avenue. One lane in each direction will reamin open. Driveways will remain open.
- SE 82nd at Clinton – median island construction, tree planting will require lane closures
In addition to the above work, PGE is expected to energize the signalized bike and pedestrian crossing at SE 82nd Avenue and Knapp Street in early 2025.
Learn more about 82nd Avenue construction
TriMet is seeking members for the Community Advisory Committee for the 82nd Avenue Transit Project
Do you ride Line 72-Killingsworth/82nd? Live, work or recreate along 82nd Avenue? TriMet is convening a Community Advisory Committee to help guide the 82nd Avenue Transit Project. TriMet is seeking diverse perspectives from residents, community organizations, business and property owners, and more. TriMet is working toward creating a Frequent Express bus rapid transit line along 82nd Avenue - one of the region's busiest bus lines - to address the community's needs and help foster a healthy, vibrant corridor. You can help!
Visit to learn how you can apply to serve on the Community Advisory Committee.
Apply to serve on the Community Advisory Committee
82nd Avenue is Open for Business During Construction!
82nd Avenue is home to hundreds of locallyowned and culturally diverse businesses. We invite you to show82nd Avenue businesses some love during and after construction.
Grants and programs available
Mini-Grants for non-profit organizations available
With Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) mini grants, organizations can apply for up to $5,000 for activities that align with goals of addressing climate change and advancing racial and social justice.
Upcoming meetings and events
January 22, 2025 | 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. | 82nd Avenue Transit Project Open House | In-person at Portland Community College SE Campus (2305 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, OR 97216) | Lecture Hall