Construction continues at six locations, with signal poles and median islands coming this summer to improve safety
Smooth new pavement and curb ramps on SE Clinton Street looking east across 82nd Avenue. As part of the 82nd Avenue Crossings Project, PBOT will install six signalized pedestrian crossings with median islands along 82nd Avenue. PBOT will upgrade crossings to new pedestrian half-signals, full signals, or pedestrian beacons. In addition to the signal improvements, PBOT will install accessible curb ramps, high-visibility crosswalks and concrete median islands. Within the intersections, medians will feature a red stamped brick pattern. Trees are set back from the intersection to maintain visibility and allow for emergency vehicle movements.
Work is underway to construct new pedestrian crossings on 82nd Avenue, at the intersections of 82nd Avenue at NE Beech, Klickitat, and Schuyler streets; and SE Clinton, Ash, and Schiller streets. In the coming weeks, contractors with PBOT are continuing curb ramp construction and paving. No work will take place over the upcoming holiday weekend, July 4 – 7.
This summer, contractors will begin installing signal poles and constructing median islands. Later this fall after temperatures drop, trees will be planted in these median islands. We anticipate construction will be complete in spring 2025.
Traffic and parking adjustments
Some of the crossing locations include traffic operations changes and/or parking removal near the intersections. To review details for a specific intersection, click on one the following links: NE Beech, Klickitat, and Schuyler streets; and SE Clinton, Ash, and Schiller street.
Engagement summaries available now
2023 Building a Better 82nd Avenue Engagement Summary
The 2023 public involvement summary of PBOT’s Building a Better 82nd Avenue activities and findings is now available.
2023 82nd Avenue Glisan and Davis Signal Improvements Project
A summary of public involvement and feedback for the 82nd Avenue Glisan and Davis Signal Improvements Project is now available, and an updated concept design is now available.
Album of Roses Photography Contest
82nd Avenue has many roses and rose gardens located between grocery stores, eateries, houses and car lots. They are often hidden to us until June when they pop out in all their beauty. The 82nd Avenue Business Association invites you to enter their Album of Roses Photography Contest, through July 31, 2024.
Learn more at
Grants and programs available
Local Small Business Repair Grants
This program offers grant support to local small businesses. The Local Small Business Repair Grants are emergency funds that use funding allocated by City Council to provide support of up to $10,000 to local small businesses needing immediate repairs.
Portland Housing Bureau's Eviction Legal Defense Program
Renters! If you have received a termination notice, housing subsidy termination notice, or eviction court papers, you may be eligible for free legal support though the Portland Housing Bureau’s Eviction Legal Defense Program. To see if you are eligible and to apply, please contact Oregon Law Center at 888.585.9638 or In your message, please include your name, date of birth, and whether you have received a termination notice, housing subsidy termination, or an eviction court case.
Mini-Grants for non-profit organizations available
With Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) mini grants, organizations can apply for up to $5,000 for activities that align with goals of addressing climate change and advancing racial and social justice.
Upcoming meetings and events
Saturday, June 29 | 4 – 6 p.m. | Building a Better 82nd team at Neighborhood Celebration of Safe Streets | Lents Park, Picnic Area A - South of 92nd Ave Parking Lot (4808 SE 92nd Ave.)
Sunday, July 28 | 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. | Building a Better 82nd team at Montavilla Street Fair | (SE Stark Street between SE 76th and 82nd avenues)