Construction updates
Overview: December 2 - 13
In the coming weeks, PBOT will have eight active work zones along NE/SE 82nd Avenue. Please travel safely around work zones and pay attention to all flaggers and all traffic control devices.
Between NE Sandy to SE Division streets, there are four active construction work zones on 82nd Avenue. Active construction work zones are highlighted in the map above in light yellow, and include 82nd Avenue between NE Beech and Fremont streets, at the intersections of NE Siskiyou, SE Ash and SE Mill streets.
Between SE Mill and Lambert streets, there are five active construction workzones on 82nd Avenue. Active construction workzones are highlighted in the map above in light yellow, and include SE 82nd Avenue at the intersections of SE Mill, Clinton, Schiller, Raymond, and Ogden to Knapp streets.
Learn more about 82nd Avenue construction
82nd Avenue Pedestrian Crossings
Contractors with PBOT completed concrete work for the median island at 82nd Avenue and Schiller Street. Tree planting is expected next week.
Upcoming construction activities include:
- NE Beech – Clean-up and fencing installation
- NE Klickitat– No work next week
- NE Schuyler– No work next week
- SE Clinton – Concrete median island construction
- SE Ash– Concrete median island construction
- SE Schiller– Concrete median island completion and tree planting
The traveling public can expect to see lane closures and side street closures at intersections with construction activity as part of this work.
82nd Avenue Major Maintenance Project
Contractors with PBOT prepare to install a concrete sump at SE Harrison Street and SE 82nd Avenue. These large underground tanks help manage stormwater and improve drainage.
Upcoming construction activities include:
- NE Siskiyou – Underground stormwater work will require intersection flagging, expect traffic delays
- SE Mill – Underground stormwater work will require intersection flagging, expect traffic delays
- SE Raymond – Underground utility work (sidewalk work)
The traveling public can expect traffic delays at traffic signals at NE/SE 82nd Avenue at NE Siskiyou and SE Mill streets from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Traffic and turning movements in all directions will be maintained.
Learn more about the Major Maintenance Project
Construction continues on Brentwood-Darlington Safe Routes to School Project
Contractors with PBOT have completed striping at SE 82nd Avenue and Knapp Street. The signal will be activated soon.
Construction of a new signalized crossing and other improvements at the intersection of SE 82nd Avenue and Knapp Street is wrapping up. Striping has been installed, and the new signal for people walking and biking at 82nd Avenue and Knapp Street has gone through inspection and testing. Signal activation will take several more weeks. The sidewalk on the west side of SE 82nd Avenue between SE Knapp and SE Ogden streets has been widened to become a multiuse path to connect a new Neighborhood Greenway.
Periodic lane closures on 82nd Avenue will be necessary during installation, inspection and testing.
Work is anticipated to wrap up in early December.
Learn more about the Brentwood-Darlington Project
82nd Avenue Signal Timing for Safety
PBOT’s initial signal timing improvements have been completed along NE/SE 82nd Avenue. As a part of this effort, PBOT reviewed signal timing and operations at the 29 existing traffic signals on 82nd Avenue within the city of Portland limits.
PBOT made adjustments to reduce high end speeds, especially at night. With the adjustments, travelers driving the speed limit get a green light but travelers going faster encounter red lights more often. Flashing yellow left turn arrow operations were returned to signals with a new focus on improving pedestrian access and safety while providing permissive left turns from 82nd Avenue.
PBOT will continue to make adjustments to the signal timing and operations, with the goal of further reducing the highest speeding drivers. In addition, PBOT is exploring “rest-on-red" operations at specific locations along 82nd Avenue.
Learn more about 82nd Avenue Signal Timing Improvements
Building a Better 82nd Plan Document is Available Online
After two years of planning and public engagement, the Building a Better 82nd Avenue plan is now available to view online. This plan brings together past plans, current projects, and future projects into one comprehensive document, outlining a practical and visionary approach to improving safety and maintenance on this important Portland street. The plan will be presented to the Portland City Council on Wednesday, December 4.
Grants and programs available
Local Small Business Repair Grants
This program offers grant support to local small businesses. The Local Small Business Repair Grants are emergency funds that use funding allocated by City Council to provide support of up to $10,000 to local small businesses needing immediate repairs.
Mini-Grants for non-profit organizations available
With Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) mini grants, organizations can apply for up to $5,000 for activities that align with goals of addressing climate change and advancing racial and social justice.
Upcoming meetings and events
No upcoming meetings - stay tuned!