Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • Most City offices are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Thursday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City information: road closures, transportation updates, preventing frozen plumbing, tree emergencies
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Building a Better 82nd: October 4, 2024

Contractors with PBOT install overhead crosswalk signs at SE 82nd Avenue and Ash Street.
Biweekly email updates about Building a Better 82nd

Construction Updates

82nd Avenue Pedestrian Crossings

Contractors with PBOT install overhead crosswalk signs at SE 82nd Avenue and Ash Street.

Contractors with PBOT install overhead crosswalk signs at SE 82nd Avenue and Ash Street. 

Work in the coming two weeks includes:  

  • NE Beech – Roadway reconstruction and curb ramps
  • NE Klickitat– Roadway reconstruction, curb ramps, electrical work and signal equipment installation  
  • NE Schuyler– Roadway reconstruction, curb ramps, and signal equipment installation
  • SE ClintonElectrical work
  • SE Ash– Electrical work
  • SE SchillerNo work in the next two weeks

The traveling public can expect to see lane closures and side street closures at intersections with construction activity as part of this work. 

Construction continues on Brentwood-Darlington Safe Routes to School Project

Contractors with PBOT place ramp forms in preparation for pouring new concrete ramps at SE 82nd Avenue and SE Knapp Street.

Contractors with PBOT place ramp forms in preparation for pouring new concrete ramps at SE 82nd Avenue and SE Knapp Street. 

Construction of a new signalized crossing at the intersection of SE 82nd Avenue and Knapp Street continues in the coming weeks. Paving of 82nd Avenue between Knapp and Ogden will take place over the next two weeks, with some nightwork.  

Sidewalk construction on the west side of the street and the signal installation will begin soon. 

Periodic lane closures on 82nd Avenue will be necessary during installation.  

Work is anticipated to last through the end of October 2024. 

Learn more about the Brentwood-Darlington Project

82nd Avenue Major Maintenance Project

Raimore Construction staff investigate underground utility conflicts by ”potholing” the sidewalk at NE 82nd Avenue and Siskiyou Street. Potholing confirms that planned signal equipment or stormwater equipment installation will not conflict with existing utilities.

Raimore Construction staff investigate underground utility conflicts by ”potholing” the sidewalk at NE 82nd Avenue and Siskiyou Street. Potholing confirms that planned signal equipment or stormwater equipment installation will not conflict with existing utilities. 

Construction on PBOT's 82nd Avenue Major Maintenance started recently and will continue to ramp up through the winter.  

Current construction activities: Underground utility work is underway. The traveling public can expect periodic lane closures along 82nd Avenue between SE Mill Street and Powell Boulevard and on side streets in the area. This fall, construction of ADA corner ramps, sidewalks and driveways will begin.  

PBOT installs speed bumps on NE Beech and Milton streets 

A PBOT construction crewmember smooths out new speed bump asphalt.

PBOT crews installed speed bumps on NE Beech and NE Milton streets between 82nd and 85th avenues last month. The speed bumps will help reduce speeding on these two neighborhood streets.

Learn more about 82nd Avenue construction

Grants and programs available 

Local Small Business Repair Grants 

This program offers grant support to local small businesses. The Local Small Business Repair Grants are emergency funds that use funding allocated by City Council to provide support of up to $10,000 to local small businesses needing immediate repairs.

Portland Housing Bureau's Eviction Legal Defense Program

Renters! If you have received a termination notice, housing subsidy termination notice, or eviction court papers, you may be eligible for free legal support though the Portland Housing Bureau’s Eviction Legal Defense Program. To see if you are eligible and to apply, please contact Oregon Law Center at 888.585.9638 or evictiondefense@oregonlawcenter.org. In your message, please include your name, date of birth, and whether you have received a termination notice, housing subsidy termination, or an eviction court case.

Learn more and apply today

Mini-Grants for non-profit organizations available 

With Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) mini grants, organizations can apply for up to $5,000 for activities that align with goals of addressing climate change and advancing racial and social justice. 

Learn more and apply today

Upcoming meetings and events

Wednesday, Oct. 23 | 6 - 8 p.m. | Building a Better 82nd Community Advisory Group | In-personat AYCO Dream Center (2110 SE 82nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97216)

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