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Building a Better 82nd: November 30, 2023 Update

Biweekly email updates about Building a Better 82nd
In this article

Critical Fixes: Near-term safety and maintenance improvements

PBOT construction on six pedestrian crossings underway 

Earlier this month, contractors with PBOT began construction on six pedestrian crossings. In the next two years, construction activity will take place on 82nd Avenue at NE Beech, Klickitat, and Schuyler streets; and SE Clinton, Ash, and Schiller streets.  

An excavator drops debris into a truckbed behind the NE Klickitat St and NE 82nd Ave street signs.

A excavator drops debris into a truckbed behind the NE Klickitat St and NE 82nd Ave street signs. Construction activity began at 82nd and Klicktat earlier this month.   

The new crossings are being delivered together with street lighting improvements on 82nd Avenue from NE Lombard to SE Clatsop streets and on NE Halsey Street from NE 112th to 162nd avenues. Street lighting improvements will begin in 2024 and will bring street light brightness up to current safety standards by adding lighting infill along the corridor. 

Thank you for your cooperation and patience while we complete this work!

Read our full traffic advisory for additional details

We want to hear from you! Glisan and Davis Signal Project Survey Closes today at 11:59 PM 

We’re looking for your feedback on two design choices for the intersection of 82nd and Davis, as well as your feedback on the entire project.  

Take the online survey before it closes 

Take the online survey

Want to take this survey in another language?

Click on one of the links below to access the survey in your preferred language: 

To request a translated copy of this survey in another language, please contact PBOT’S Building a Better 82nd Avenue project team at or 503-865-8282. 

Prosper Portland Grants for Local Small Businesses 

Repair Grant: an ongoing reimbursement grant to help with immediate repairs to external physical damage resulting from vandalism. Grants are up to $10,000 and available citywide. 

Restore Grant: next application cycle opens on Friday, Dec. 1, 2023! The Restore Grant is a reimbursement grant for up to $25,000 that can be used for security and preventative improvements, physical interior repairs related to vandalism and break-ins, deferred rent, and inventory loss and replacement costs. Support will focus on retaining critical businesses that were negatively impacted by the pandemic and are showing signs of recovery within priority districts and along commercial corridors in the city. 

Prosperity Investment Program: a reimbursement grant that helps businesses and property owners make tenant improvements and small and large-scale improvements to new and existing buildings. This program is available in Lents Town Center Tax Increment Financing District, offering up to $50,000 with a 50-50 match requirement. 

If you need application assistance, connect with the Portland Small Business Hub or call 503-241-4594. For additional business assistance, check out the Inclusive Business Resource Network webpage here for more information. 

Upcoming Meetings and Events

  • Her Market | December 2, 2023, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. CORE Collective Oregon Eateries (3612 SE 82nd Ave. Portland, OR 97266)

Related efforts

82nd Avenue Transit Project

Metro is working closely with TriMet, PBOT, and community-based organizations to identify future investments that support transit along 82nd Avenue. 

Click here to learn more about Metro's 82nd Avenue Transit Project

82nd Avenue Community Coalition

Throughout the public engagement process, PBOT will be working alongside the 82nd Avenue Coalition. Convened by Oregon Walks, Verde, Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO), and Unite Oregon, this coalition is made up of people and organizations that live, work, and play along 82nd Avenue. 

Click here to learn more or to join the coalition

For More Information

Visit the project website for updates.

If you have a question or concerns, contact the project team
using the email or phone number below.

82nd Avenue Project Team