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82nd Avenue Critical Fixes

PBOT is investing in 82nd Avenue to deliver critical fixes now. The needed urgent safety and maintenance repairs to the corridor include paving, crossings, lighting, safety improvements at intersections, and sidewalk improvements. 
The graphic shows different icons that represent the elements included in the Critical Fixes construction. The icons include a construction worker, streetlighting, a pedestrian walking in a crosswalk, an intersection, street paving machinery, and a traffic signal.
Multiple projects in construction 2022 to 2026
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What's happening now?

May 17, 2024 Update

Projects in design: 

Major Maintenance Project Advances to Draft Final Design

The project team reviewed comments from the 60 percent public comment period and has incorporated feedback where feasible. The project is now at draft final design. At this stage of the design process, the project team refines final designs and the right-of-way process begins.

In a few key areas, the project team will take a little more time to design improvements. We’ll conduct additional public engagement to make sure designs are aligned with future transit investments and meet the needs of the community.  

Areas of 82nd that will be the focus of this additional engagement include: 

  • Adjacent to Eastport Plaza
  • Adjacent to Multnomah Cemetery  
  • SE Mitchell Street intersection
  • Between SE Powell and Holgate boulevards 

PBOT is working with Metro, TriMet and partners from Clackamas County to conduct a transit alternatives analysis for potential bus rapid transit service. Between SE Powell and Holgate, the future transit project may include more significant changes to the roadway in this area to address transit delay.

Paving, signals, and ADA ramp work in these areas will be delivered on a different construction timeline and are funded and programmed for construction within the next six years. While we are slowing down on design of these segments to allow for community conversations, we will continue to move forward on the rest of the improvements planned with the Major Maintenance Project. 

Construction expected to start this summer and continue through 2026.

May 4, 2024 Update

Projects in construction:

Planned construction activities this month include underground electrical work, ADA corner ramps, and pavement repair on NE/SE 82nd Avenue at the intersections of:

Projects in design: 

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82nd Avenue is in disrepair and needs urgent maintenance and safety repairs. PBOT will invest federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to deliver more lighting, safer crossings, smoother pavement, sidewalk and accessibility improvements, and upgraded traffic signals.

Learn more about the types of improvements below or by viewing the 82nd Avenue Critical Fixes Factsheet.

Improvement Types
The graphic shows a streetlight icon.
New street lighting will be added and existing street lights will be improved to improve visibility. Click here to learn more.
The graphic shows an icon of a person walking in a crosswalk.
New signalized pedestrian crossings will be added and safety improvements will be made to existing crossings. Click here to learn more about projects delivering crossings.
The graphic shows an icon of an intersection.
Updated signage, roadway striping, new signal heads, and technological enhancements will improve safety corridor-wide. Click here to learn more.
The graphic shows an icon of equipment for paving streets.
A 2-mile segment of 82nd Avenue will be repaved in 2025 and 2026. Additional improvements along these repaved segments include improved curb ramps, crossing and signal improvements, transit improvements, median islands in some locations, and tree planting. Click here to learn more about the Major Maintenance Project.
The graphic shows an icon of a traffic signal.
New and upgraded traffic signals on 82nd Avenue will include modern safety and traffic operation technology.Click here to learn more about projects delivering traffic signals.


Critical Fixes will take place through the end of 2026. Construction of these improvements must be built by the end 2026 or PBOT will lose this federal funding.

Graphical timeline of the Critical Fixes Projects

Community calls for Critical Fixes

The jurisdictional transfer of 82nd Avenue and Critical Fixes investments are the culmination of years of work by community and their state and local representatives. Community advocates have put lots of resources into developing a vision for 82nd Avenue and have worked hard to hold local governments accountable for addressing the urgent repair and safety needs along the corridor. Watch this video to hear directly from local community about the need for Building a Better 82nd.

Screenshot from 82nd Ave video of Sophomore, Alan Escobedo, from McDaniel High School
Watch the VIDEO: Community voices call for Building a Better 82nd Avenue

Crossings and Traffic Signals

Pedestrian Crossings

Between 2023 and 2026, PBOT and ODOT will add 14 new or upgraded pedestrian crossings on 82nd Avenue to improve safety and fill many of the existing crossing gaps. 

Crossings planned for construction in 2023 and 2024 at:

Crossings planned for construction in 2025 and 2026 at:

Completed crossings:

* This project will be completed by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).

Traffic Signals

Between 2023 and 2026, PBOT will construct 7 new or improved traffic signals. Signals will include modern safety and traffic operation technology at the following locations:

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