The Implementation section of the plan will outline a structured approach for bringing the recommendations of the "Building a Better 82nd Avenue Plan" to fruition. It will include a detailed Implementation Matrix summarizing proposed actions by topic areas, and will include information on responsible agencies, proposed timeframes for each action, and funding sources.
Each action will include a lead responsible party to oversee implementation. However, these lead parties are just one component of the broader collaborative effort needed to achieve the goals. Many actions will involve shared responsibilities.
The Implementation Matrix will include categorization into actions organized by:
- Near-term, defined as between 2024 – 2026
- Mid-term, defined as 2027 – 2030
- Longer-term, defined as after 2030
The timing of implementation of each action will be influenced by several factors, including the availability of funding, the complexity of each task, the level of coordination required among various agencies. Some projects may be ready for immediate construction, while others will require additional planning, design and community engagement. Funding sources outlined within the plan’s Implementation Matrix will detail both primary and potential supplementary funding sources.
The implementation chapter will establish clear path for advancing the goals of the "Building a Better 82nd Avenue Plan," by identifying the recommended policies, programs, and project as well as the responsible party or parties.