The Building a Better 82nd Avenue Plan includes policy and program recommendations. The policies and programs respond to PBOT’s policy goals and community priorities, some of which are more expansive than can be fully captured in the projects list. Many of the recommendations below focus on programming and partnerships with other government and community partners.
- Expand the Tree Canopy throughout the 82nd Avenue Corridor
On 82nd Avenue:Plant Street Trees Along 82nd Avenue: Actively seek and implement opportunities to plant street trees along 82nd Avenue to improve the streetscape, reduce the urban heat island effect, improve pedestrian comfort and make 82nd Avenue more beautiful.
Collaborate for Tree Planting Expansion: Partner with Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry and the Portland Clean Energy Fund to increase and enhance street tree planting on sidewalks and medians along 82nd Avenue
On side streets:
- Integrate Trees into Projects: Collaborate with the Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry, and the Portland Clean Energy Fund to include tree planting in the right-of-way for neighborhood greenways and other capital improvement projects
- Incorporate Green Stormwater Features: Partner with BES to increase green stormwater management features, such as bioswales and permeable paving, to enhance environmental sustainability.
- Expand Furnishing Zones: Explore and implement strategies to expand furnishing zones, allowing for the planting of larger canopy trees and improving overall street greenery.
- Encourage the expansion and participation in the "Trees in the Curb Zone" pilot program: strategically plant trees along selected side streets, to expand the tree canopy.
- Expand Furnishing Zones: Explore and implement strategies to expand furnishing zones, allowing for the planting of larger canopy trees and improving overall street greenery.
- Encourage the expansion and participation in the "Trees in the Curb Zone" pilot program: strategically plant trees along selected side streets, to expand the tree canopy.
- Improve sidewalks
- Explore Funding Opportunities: Assess and utilize various funding mechanisms, potentially including tools such as local improvement districts, to support the expansion of sidewalk infrastructure.
- Target Sidewalk Expansion to Improve Safety: Prioritize sidewalk widening in locations where sidewalks are currently lacking, especially near transit stops, schools, in pedestrian districts, and near other key pedestrian destinations.
- Enhance Connectivity: Allocate resources to sidewalk widening projects that improve access to transit stations, educational institutions, and community destinations.
- Improve Pedestrian Safety: Advocate for sidewalk widening initiatives that enhance pedestrian access and safety, particularly in areas lacking sidewalks.
- Improve lighting
- Roadway and Sidewalk Lighting Enhancement: Continue to advance lighting improvements along 82nd Avenue to ensure adequate illumination of the roadway and sidewalk to improve safety, comfort, and visibility.
- Lighting Evaluation: Evaluate the 2024 lighting improvements on 82nd Avenue to identify areas requiring additional lighting to improve safety, comfort, and visibility.
- Pedestrian Scale Lighting: Explore opportunities to implement pedestrian scale lighting and partner with community and businesses to explore and feasibility of pedestrian-scale lighting solutions in key locations including pedestrian districts.
- Improve Transit
- Continue to Grow Transit Partnerships: Continue to partner with TriMet to advance investment in transit infrastructure along 82nd Avenue.
- Align Pedestrian Crossings with Transit: Ensure that new and upgraded pedestrian crossings are planned in conjunction with future transit station locations.
- Optimize Transit Station Placement: Collaborate with TriMet to identify and establish the most effective locations for new transit stations that balance local access with transit performance.
- Support TriMet’s Service Expansion: Support the expansion and new service initiatives detailed in TriMet’s Forward Together plan to enhance overall transit service.
- Enhance Transit Safety: Advocate for and back TriMet's efforts to improve safety on transit services and at transit stations for the community.
- Improve Transit Performance: Support initiatives aimed at boosting the performance and service quality of the Line 72, the new FX line on 82nd Avenue, and other identified transit lines.
- Improve Bike Transportation in the Corridor
- Expand the Neighborhood Greenway Network: Enhance and extend the Neighborhood Greenway Network to provide more choices and more effective biking infrastructure in the corridor.
- Improve Bike Connectivity: Strengthen bicycle connections between greenways and key destinations along 82nd Avenue.
- Enhance Wayfinding: Add new wayfinding to improve navigation on existing and future bike routes, ensuring clear guidance to connect people to Neighborhood Greenways and local destinations.
- Enhance Bicycle Parking: Support the development of secure and accessible bicycle parking facilities near affordable housing and other key destinations.
- Review Bicycle Classifications: Assess the bicycle classifications outlined in this plan for consistency and update them as needed in the next Transportation System Plan (TSP) revision.
- Improve Pedestrian Safety in the Corridor
- Upgrade ADA Accessibility: Complete corridor-wide ADA curb ramp upgrades to ensure improved accessibility for all users.
- Implement Crossing Improvements: Construct the pedestrian and bicycle crossings specified in this plan to enhance mobility and safety.
- Ongoing Safety Enhancements: Continuously seek and implement opportunities to improve pedestrian safety throughout the corridor.
- Review Pedestrian Classifications: Assess the pedestrian classifications outlined in this plan for consistency and update them as needed in the next Transportation System Plan (TSP) revision.
- Improve Traffic Safety
- Broaden Traffic Calming Measures: Develop and apply new traffic calming tools and practices for busier, higher-speed neighborhood collectors to improve safety. Expand the use of traffic calming strategies, such as speed bumps, to manage cut-through traffic on local streets.
- Introduce Speed Reduction Techniques: Explore application of speed reduction techniques, such as chicanes, pinch-points, and roundabouts, to lower speeds along neighborhood greenways where needed and appropriate.
- Enforce Speed Limits: Expand the use of speed enforcement measures, such as red-light and automated speed cameras, to manage vehicle speeds and promote safe driving behaviors.
- Promote Traffic Safety Education: Advance traffic safety awareness by educating vehicle users on the principle that all intersections should be treated as crosswalks.
- Address Driveway Use: Collaborate with business and property owners to close underutilized or unused driveways along 82nd Avenue, where feasible.
- Leverage Safe Routes to School Investments: Work with the Safe Routes to School team to maximize the impact of investments in neighborhood greenways and primary routes.
- Support Safety Workshops and Training: Engage with City of Portland programs, such as Safe Blocks, to offer workshops and de-escalation training for businesses and non-profit organizations.
- Livability and Housing
- Improve Effective Delivery of Services: Collaborate with Portland Solutions, Multnomah County, and other key partners to enhance delivery of services to address human needs and homelessness; partner with relevant agencies to address ongoing issues such as abandoned vehicles, camping, human trafficking, and crime through coordinated strategies and shared resources.
- Partner with Housing Providers: Collaborate with affordable housing providers and service coordinators to enhance access to walking, biking, and transit options through programs such as the PBOT Transportation Wallet and BIKETOWN for All.
- Engage with Residents: Maintain ongoing engagement with residents of affordable housing to identify their priorities and assess the impacts of transportation projects during implementation.
- Promote Multimodal Incentives: Advocate for the use of City of Portland’s multimodal transportation programs, including the Transportation Wallet, to provide incentives for various transportation options such as transit, bike-share, scooter-share.
- Support Small Business on 82nd Avenue
- Promote Business Support Strategies: Explore and implement strategies aimed at supporting and sustaining businesses along 82nd Avenue.
- Collaborate on District Identity: Partner with business districts to advance goals related to district identity through placemaking initiatives and streetscape improvements.
- Maintain Delivery Access: Work with businesses to support business delivery access needs along 82nd Avenue.
- Land Use and Urban Design Recommendations
- Enhance Gateway Treatments: Assess and upgrade the gateway treatment at the center of the I-84 MAX bridge to boost its visual appeal and strengthen the area's identity.
- Collaborate on Placemaking: Work with PBOT, Portland in the Streets, and other relevant city bureaus and agencies to identify and implement community placemaking opportunities in public spaces.
- Support Community-Driven Ideas: Empower community partners to lead and manage plaza initiatives and enhance best practices for the stewardship and maintenance of these public spaces.
- Explore Public Space Opportunities: Investigate potential for creating street plazas and other public spaces, such as parks and schools, within commercial areas, parking lots, and side streets.
- Evaluate Zoning to Transit Support: Consider a review of existing zoning regulations to better accommodate and support future bus rapid transit along the corridor.
- Facilitate Community Programming: Identify and support opportunities within the 82nd Avenue corridor to collaborate with community organizations to pilot new programming and activate public spaces.