Current Planning & Project Delivery
Visit the Building a Better 82nd project page to learn more about the latest Critical Fixes and the 82nd Avenue Civic Corridor Investment Strategy.
Recent Updates
June 1, 2022: On April 28, 2022 Portland City Council unanimously approved taking ownership of 82nd Avenue today, marking a historic milestone for a 7-mile high-crash corridor and paving the way to fulfill longstanding community aspirations for the street to become a safe community destination, rather than a highway. The transfer of ownership of the road from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) became official on June 1, 2022. Read the full news release here.
June 29, 2021: Transportation Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty joined Oregon State Representatives Khanh Pham and Barbara Smith Warner, Metro Councilor Bob Stacey, and officials from the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to announce $80 million in state funding for the transformation of 82nd Avenue. They were also joined by members of the East Portland community and traffic safety advocates. The state funding was included in the legislature's recently passed omnibus spending bill. Read full news release here.
May 28, 2021: Joint letter from the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to State Senators Betsy Johnson and Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, State Representative Dan Rayfield, and the Joint Committee on Ways and Means:
City Council unanimously adopted the 82nd Avenue Plan on May 23, 2019. View the full plan below, and review Appendix B with maps as a PDF or interactive map to see estimated public right-of-way dedications property by property along 82nd Ave. Contact the project manager to provide feedback.
2019 82nd Avenue Plan Appendix
82nd Avenue Study: Understanding Barriers to Development - 2019
See the PBOT staff presentation to council below:
Download PDF file2019 82nd Avenue Plan City Council presentation5.91 MB
Plan Components
Recommended safety, access and transit improvements along 82nd Ave. The primary focus of these improvements is increasing safety and removing transportation barriers. Most of the recommended projects are enhanced pedestrian and bicycle crossings, increased lighting, signal changes to reduce conflicts, and other minor improvements to existing signals. In addition, enhanced transit priority treatments and bus stop improvements are recommended along 82nd Ave to improve the reliability, speed, and capacity of TriMet bus line 72.
Changes to PBOT’s current right-of-way dedication requirements during property redevelopment to provide wider sidewalk corridors along 82nd Ave. These will be made incrementally over time, as development occurs. The change would bring PBOT right-of-way dedication requirements more in line with the existing special setback development requirements along 82nd Ave (45 feet from each side of the center line) in the Portland zoning code, title 33.
Project Background
This plan will also serve a larger effort underway, the eventual transfer of ownership of 82nd Avenue (OR 213) from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to the City of Portland, under the stewardship of the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).
This plan was developed in coordination with the 82nd Ave Study: Understanding Barriers to Development, led by the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. This joint planning effort was funded in part by a Metro Community Planning and Development Grant. BPS and PBOT worked together to address barriers within the corridor. The City’s planning efforts were also coordinated with and informed by the planning process led by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to develop the ODOT 82nd Ave of Roses Implementation Plan:
ODOT 82nd Avenue of Roses Implementation Plan
Public Involvement
City Council Invitation Flier:
82nd Avenue Plan public meeting flyer English
82nd Avenue Plan public meeting flyer Chinese
82nd Avenue Plan public meeting flyer Spanish
82nd Avenue Plan public meeting flyer Vietnamese
Planning and Sustainability Commission Public Hearing -Tuesday, March 12, 2019, at 12:30 p.m. at 1900 SW Fourth Avenue (SW 4th Avenue and Hall Street), 2nd floor. Please call 503-823-7700 a week before the hearing to confirm the scheduled time of this agenda item.
2019 82nd Avenue Plan hearing presentation
Public open house/community forum -Tuesday, March 5th, 6 – 8 p.m. at Portland Community College – Southeast Campus, 2305 SE 82nd Ave, Community Hall Annex. Come learn more at an open house event. Join your neighbors to discuss the future of 82nd Avenue. Thank you to everyone who attended our 82nd Ave open house on March 5th at the PCC southeast campus. PCC was very accommodating and swiftly helped us get our event rescheduled in advance of our PSC hearing on March 12. Thank you PCC!
You can view the preliminary draft plan and several of the posters displayed at the open house below:
2019 82nd Avenue Plan open house boards
Drop-in hours to talk with PBOT and BPS staff - Monday, February 25, 2019, 5 – 7 p.m. at the Holgate Library, 7905 SE Holgate Blvd. Staff will answer your questions one-on-one.