2040Freight Plan Documents

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2040Freight Planning Documents

Planning documents

The 2040Freight Plan will consist of multiple supporting documents  developed throughout planning. These reports and analyses will form the final plan.

Bureau of Planning & Sustainability:
Economic Opportunities Analysis: Volume 1 Trends, Opportunities, and Market Factors (April 2022)

Oregon’s land use planning system requires that cities update their comprehensive plans periodically and provide for adequate 20-year growth capacity, based on an Economic Opportunity Analysis (EOA) and a housing needs analysis (HNA). The EOA analyzes and forecasts growth in Portland’s industrial and other business districts, then designates an adequate 20-year supply of developable land for businesses and jobs. The City of Portland is updating the existing EOA, adopted in 2016, to align 2045 growth expectations with current market trends and community choices. 

This report includes content relevant to the context of 2040Freight, especially with regards to equity and economic vitality.

EOA trends cover
Public Engagement Report (July 2022)

A report on the engagement activities and online survey that impacted development of the plan's strategies, actions, needs, and priorities. 

2040Freight public engagement report cover
2006 Freight Master Plan Project Status Audit

This report aims to document the City’s progress towards completing projects included in the existing Freight Master Plan as well as projects from other modal plans and project lists that are located inside Freight Districts and along streets classified for freight use.

Blue and white cover of the 2040Freight: 2006 Freight Master Plan Project Status Audit Report.
Demographics, Equity & Environmental Justice Part I

This report explores some of the ways in which the freight industry affects Portland by focusing on the economy, environment, and health. Its key findings shed light on the health, and environmental disparities that exist across time, geographies, racial and ethnic groups, genders, and education levels.

Demographics, Equity & Environmental Justice Part II

This report examines the intersections of freight and economic wellbeing.  

Blue and white cover of the 2040Freight:Demographics, Equity & Environmental Justice  Part I
DEEJ Part II cover
Needs, Conflicts, and Opportunities

This technical report synthesizes the freight transportation needs in Portland. It draws on key safety and mobility metrics from previous reports to identify the largest performance challenges in the region. 

Blue and white cover of the 2040Freight: Needs, Conflicts, and Opportunities Report.
Freight Greenhouse Gas Reduction Best Practices

This report describes best practices that improve the sustainability of urban freight transportation.

Front cover of the 2040Freight: Freight Greenhouse Gas Reduction Best Practices
Dominant and Disruptive Trends

This report summarizes trends affecting Portland’s freight transportation system. It highlights key technological and economic trends from freight forecasts and reports.

Cover of 2040Freight Dominant and Disruptive Trends.
Stakeholder Interview Summary

This report summarizes the key themes and findings from thirty-one stakeholder interviews and looks ahead to how their insights will inform the next steps of the 2040Freight Plan.  

Front cover of the 2040Freight: Stakeholder Interview Summary.
Future Conditions Report

This technical report assesses and reports on the future (2040) movement of goods by truck in the City of Portland, including truck traffic volume, delay, and travel patterns.

Thumbnail of the Future Conditions Report Cover.
Existing Conditions Report

This technical report assesses and reports on the current (i.e. existing conditions) movement of goods by trucks in the City of Portland, including truck traffic volume, delay, travel patterns, and safety.

Thumbnail of 2040 Freight: Existing Conditions Report front cover.
Plan, Program & Policy Review

This document reviews state, regional, and local plans relevant to 2040Freight. The plans, policy documents, and studies examined in this memorandum establish guidance and requirements for 2040Freight and provide a foundational framework and collection of priorities to be embedded in the 2040Freight Plan.

Thumbnail of the Plan, Program + Policy Review Cover.
E-Commerce and Emerging Logistics Technology Research Report

This report assesses how e-commerce retail sales, and in particular, the delivery of retail products via e-commerce methods to residences, is changing freight demand and the handling, storage, packaging, logistics and delivery traffic that accompany it.

Thumbnail of E-Commerce and Emerging Logistics Technology Research Report cover.
E-Commerce Summary

A 2-page overview of the E-Commerce and Emerging Logistics Technology Research Report.

Thumbnail of E-commerce Summary cover.
2006 Freight Master Plan

The City’s of Portland's Freight Master Plan, adopted by the Portland City Council in 2006. 2040Freight is an update to the 2006 Freight Master Plan. 

Thumbnail of 2006 Freight Master Plan front cover.
2040 Freight Articles
