Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Utility Management

The Utility Management team at the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) issues permits for the placement of underground utility mains, services, structures, poles, and more. 
On this page
maintenance crew working on street

About Utility Permits

Street Opening Permits are issued to franchise utilities and other organizations for the placement of utility infrastructure in the public right-of-way. Permits are required to ensure that the proposed utility placement is located at a proper depth and sufficient horizontal distance from curbs, water lines, and sewers and that the street surface is repaired to accepted standards, among other requirements. This is done by applying City Code and Administrative Rules during the application process to ensure minimum impact to the street, the travelling public, and other proposed and existing infrastructure. 

Utility Street Opening Permits Submission Instructions

Notice to Applicant

Applicant is responsible for reviewing and complying with Administrative rule TRN 10.19 for permitting of franchise utility infrastructure within public right of way (ROW).

  • Installations must be placed parallel or perpendicular to the ROW and must be a minimum of five feet horizontally, skin to skin, form sewer and water infrastructure
  • Conduit must be a minimum three feet from back of curb when placed property side
  • Poles and vault lids must be placed fully outside of the Pedestrian Through Zone of the sidewalk corridor

Application Submittal

Submit application by emailing PBOT Utility Permit mailbox at pbotutilitypermits@portlandoregon.gov 

  • Subject line of email should read “Permit (Request, Revision, Renewal) – Permittee Name – Permittee Job Number”
    • Provide Utility Reference Number to be used for tracking and invoicing purposes. A standardized naming convention is preferred by each applicant
    • Include City permit number if revising or renewing an existing permit
  • Include permit request and plan as a .pdf file attachment

Application Requirements

  • Include north arrow; label street names; show curbs/ edge-of-pavement/ right-of-way lines; include and label any existing facilities related to may impact proposed work
  • Specify size, number, and type of any proposed installation or removal of facilities
  • Describe method of installation (trench, bore, “cut & kick”, etc.)
  • Provide dimensions of proposed work from these lines in the following order:
    • Curb lines when a survey has not been completed
    • ROW lines when a survey has been completed
    • Edge of Pavement when no curb exists
  • Include a cross section of any proposed installation (trench, bore, vault, etc.) or otherwise specify the depth of cover (36” minimum)
Example diagram of application requirements for utility street opening permits

Permit Fee Schedule

On July 1, 2024, Portland’s Bureau of Transportation will implement a revised rate schedule for various right-of-way use and construction permits issued by Right-of-Way Management and Services.

Among the permits slated for rate adjustments are those for utility construction and vertical infrastructure (VI) in the public right-of-way. The following are the fees (full City cost recovery) for the fiscal year 2024-2025:

Permit TypeDescriptionFee

Main Line, Duct, Conduit, Subway, property service laterals, etc.

Sewer Connection more than 100 feet in length; lineal foot

$7.39 per ln ft.

$739.00 min.

Property Service or Lateral (2” or less) not constructed in conjunction with above and plan review not required. (Does not include large meter vaults, hydrants or mainline work).


$411.00 per connection

Miscellaneous Utility Excavations

Per square foot

$7.39 per sq. ft.

$739.00 min.

Excavation for construction of utility vaults & manhole chambers


$2,953.00 ea.

Pole or Private street light – placement, replacement, relocation, or removal


$513.00 ea.

Above-Ground Unit (AGU)

Large Above Ground Equipment (i.e.Temporary Pad Mount Transformer)

$2,953.00 ea.

Above Ground Structures (AGS)

Small above ground equipment (i.e. gas meters, blow-off assembly, WaterQuality Sampling Stations, etc.)

$739.00 ea.

Test Boring (TB) & Pavement Test Coring

Each (Any number per 100 lineal feet)

$739.00 ea.

Monitoring Well (MW) Installation


$739.00 ea.

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal


$1088.00 ea.

Sewer Maintenance Cuts


$141.00 ea.

Utility Locate of City Assets (SSL)

Each(per 100 linear feet of length)

$140.40 ea.

Surface Stormwater Facility

Each location

$1106.49 ea.


Each Unit

$1,367.06 ea.

EV Charger – Pole Mounted

Each Unit


EV Charger – Ground Mounted

Each Unit


Insurance & Bond Processing Fee

Fee associated with Environmental Assessment program (MW/TB/UST). Not applicable to Street Opening Permits


ADA Design & Inspection (ADI)

Fee associated with the design review and inspection of ramp infrastructure.

$1841.93 ea.

Site Walk (VI)


$1,500.00 ea.

Make-Ready Pre-Design Meeting (VI)


$1,500.00 ea.

Application Fee (VI)


$400.00 ea.

Coordination Fee (VI)


$500.00 ea.

Pole Reservation – City Asset (VI)


$2,000.00 ea.

Wireless Cell Site – Small Cell or Macro (VI)


$2,000.00 ea.

Make-Ready Review (VI)

Deposit; billed hourly at cost

$10,000.00 deposit

Make-Ready Inspection (VI)



Inspection Information

The permit holder is required to inform the INSPECTION SECTION at (503) 823-7002, Option 1, at least 48 hours prior to the anticipated start of work, unless instructed otherwise. If work does not commence as scheduled, notification will need to be repeated. Failure to provide notification will result in a doubling of permit fees as a penalty. 

Environmental Assessment Permits

The City of Portland issues permits to perform test bores, pavement cores, potholing, general excavations, as well as decommissioning or removing underground storage tanks or monitoring wells within City of Portland public right-of-way.

More information can be found at: /transportation/permitting/environmental-assessment-program

Sewer Connection or Repair Permits

All sewer and storm work on public and private property require a permit and inspection. The City keeps detailed records of all connections to the City sewer system. These records are made possible by permit and inspection and protect public health and safety. You must get a permit through the Development Service Center to connect to the city sewer system.

Contact: Development Services Center 503-823-7310

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