If you will be working within 5 feet of the trackway or 10 feet of the overhead contact wire, you will need a Track Access Permit from Portland Streetcar. Currently, there is no fee for the permit, but the permit allows us to collaborate with you and maintain safety for all concerned.
General Rules and Guidelines
- All equipment and personnel must stay clear of the overhead contact wire (OCS) with a 10-foot radius around the wire. This is also an OSHA requirement.
- All underground boring must be at a 36-inch minimum below the Streetcar tracks. Any commercial digging near the tracks must be reviewed and approved by City engineering.
- Any work being done within 5-feet of the track (outside of the concrete track bed) requires a Streetcar Track Access Permit.
- An Over Dimensional height vehicle (greater than 14 feet) may be within 5-feet of the Streetcar dynamic envelope and you must apply for a Streetcar Track Access Permit. Streetcar Maintenance will determine whether a power shut down will be required
- Any person(s) working in the road way with a valid Streetcar Track Access Permit must be Roadway worker hazard training certified
- PSC – Portland Streetcar •
- OCS – Overhead Catenary System
- RWP – Roadway Worker Protection (Plan)
- Dynamic Envelope – The area the streetcar occupies while traveling on the track, located inside the concrete borders of the streetcar track bed.
- Roadway Worker – Any person(s) working within the roadway.
- TCP – Traffic control permit
- TSUP – Temporary Street Use Permit
- If I have a TSUP and a TCP, do I still need to have a Track Access Permit?
- If the work includes a city issued Traffic Control or Temporary Street Use Permit (TCP, TSUP), a condition of that permit may include needing a Streetcar track access permit. Failure to acquire this permit, can result in the TCP or TSUP being revoked, a monetary fine, and stoppage of work.
- Who must be Roadway worker hazard training certified?
- Currently any person working within the Streetcar tracks with a valid permit will need this training, meaning every worker, not just the foreman or employee in charge (EIC).
- How do I obtain a Roadway worker hazard training certification?
- TRIMET does all the training for TRIMET and Streetcar roadway worker certifications. Classes are held every Tuesday at 2pm and last about an hour, you will receive a certification card that must be on your person while working under a Track Access permit and are valid for one (1) year. Classes are held at 4012 SE 17th Portland, Oregon 97202 at 2pm. You can contact Matt Baccitich OR Jeff Johnson for more information.
- How do I obtain a Portland Streetcar Track Access permit?
- Track access permits can be obtained online. Having an account with the city is required. A link is provided on the permit application page.
- How much does a Portland Streetcar Track Access Permit cost?
- A standard permit has no fees. - A permit requiring a power down of the overhead catenary wire has fees associated.
- How do I determine if a power shutdown will be needed?
- Any work requiring an encroachment of the 10-foot minimum radius around the overhead contact wire will require a shutdown. There are few exceptions, if someone has had electrical hazard awareness training and or certifications. You can contact Portland streetcar for more information.
- Can I or my work group participate in lock out tag out during the shutdown?
- Yes, Streetcar maintenance can provide gang locks for those wanting to participate in LO/TO of the OCS system in addition to Streetcar only locks. You will need to provide your own lock and follow the guidelines listed on the shutdown agreement.
- Are there any other associated cost’s with power shutdowns?
- Yes, if you are working near the overhead wires and or poles it is a requirement to have yellow plastic wire indicators installed. The City staff can schedule and install these with an approved power shutdown. There are associated costs for parts and labor.
- How soon do I have to submit a Streetcar Access permit?
- Permits must be submitted 7 days before work is scheduled to begin. Permits requiring a shutdown must be submitted 14 days in advance in order to be scheduled.
- How do I know if I will be working on or near Streetcar tracks?
- Portland Streetcar intersects with TRIMET MAX in several areas. You can contact us via email if you have additional questions. If in fact you are on the TriMet MAX alignment, track access permits from TriMet can be requested here All request with TriMet must be at least 7 days in advance.