Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Guide to Keep Portland Moving interactive map

Screen capture of the Keep Portland Moving interactive map of Portland. Neighborhood coalition borders are marked in different colors, with dots or line segments for every mapped construction project or right-of-way use permit.
Welcome to Keep Portland Moving, a program aimed at enhancing communication, coordination, and collaboration between city bureaus, state and county agencies, as well as transit and franchise utilities to reduce the impact of construction projects on city infrastructure and the traveling public.
On this page


In 2016, Portland City Council passed the Keep Portland Moving ordinance. Keep Portland Moving aims to improve both agency coordination as well as communication with the public on travel impacts across Portland. With advanced coordination and communication the program aims to:

  • Improve safety for both workers and the traveling public by ensuring accessible routes around impact areas
  • Improve data sharing of planned temporary road and sidewalk closures
  • Reduce the impacts of right-of-way use on the traveling public
  • Protect the condition and integrity of city assets
  • Improve cost-effectiveness and efficiency of activities in the right-of-way by identifying opportunities to coordinate work

Keep Portland Moving Interactive Map

Please view the interactive map of right-of-way activity here:

Keep Portland Moving map 

Partner Agencies

Portland Bureau of Transportation

Portland Bureau of Environmental Services

Portland Water Bureau

Portland Parks & Recreation

Oregon Department of Transportation

Multnomah County


Portland Streetcar

Stay Informed and Plan Ahead

Here are additional resources to plan ahead and avoid traffic congestion and delays.

Visit for emergency alerts from regional agencies

Know before you go. Check Tripcheck for state route disruptions

Check the City's Construction page and sign-up for project notifications in your area

Check before you ride

Sign up for TriMet email or text messages alerts

BIKETOWN for All Biketownpdx

Use Waze, the free crowdsourced traffic and navigation app, when planning your trips and look for the Waze ID: PBOTinfo for road closure information from PBOT. Some of Waze’s real-time traffic reporting, including the PBOT’s construction-related closure information, may also be available in Google Maps for mobile and desktop.



PDX 311 Customer Service Program

phone number311Information and Customer Service
phone number503-823-4000Every day, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (excluding federal holidays) Interpretation available | Interpretación disponible | Phiên dịch có sẵn | 提供口译服务 | Доступна интерпретация | Tafsiir la heli karo | Доступний переклад
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