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Portland Pedestrian Advisory Committee - September 2023 Meeting

Public Meeting
September 2023 meeting of the Portland Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
6:00 pm 8:00 pm


6:00-6:10 – Public Comment (10 min)

6:10-6:20 – Introductions/Announcements/Hot Topics (10 min)

6:20-6:35 – Vision Zero Update (15 min)
PBOT staff from the Vision Zero program will be present, if PAC members have any questions or comments.

6:35-7:00 – Crossing Gaps- planning and implementation (25 min)
Gena Gastaldi (PBOT)
PBOT Pedestrian Coordinator will provide an update on process for addressing crossing gaps.

7:00-7:50 – PBOT Grant Updates (50 min)
Kristin Hull, Zef Wagner, Mike Serritella (PBOT)
PBOT staff will provide an overview of recent awarded grants as well the applications for the 82nd Ave Cully/Sumner and N/NE Broadway Main Street Neighborhood Access and Equity (NAE) Grants. The NAE program emphasized assisting economically disadvantaged or underserved communities. 

7:50-8:00 – Public Comment (10 min)

Meeting Notes

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