Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
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  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
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Speed Reduction on Neighborhood Cut-Through Routes

Traffic calming signs and marking for a street with speed bumps
Fixing Our Streets includes funding for reducing speeds on neighborhood streets that have high speeds and high traffic volumes. The projects are focused in areas with PBOT Equity Matrix ratings of 7 or higher.
On this page

UPDATED: What is happening now?

  • 2024 projects constructed include: SE Harold, 92nd to 122nd and NE 139th, NE Glisan to SE Stark. 
  • Design is complete for NE San Rafael, 125th to 138th. Construction is likely to take place in fall 2024 after pavement re-sufacing of the street in summer. 
  • SW 45th Avenue and SW Broadway Drive corridors are still in design. Emergency response bureaus had concerns about the speed cushions' impact on emergency response times. PBOT is re-designing project elements and seeking updated approval. Construction is now targeted for 2025.
  • Traffic chicane pilot projects on SE 62nd and NE 119th avenues are in design and targeted winter 2025 construction.

View PBOT presentation to the Russell Neighborhood Association on NE San Rafael traffic calming project and NE Sacramento-Knott greenway project.

Where are projects taking place?

Street Start PointEnd Point Expected Construction Year
Chicane Pilot Project - Testing lower cost materials for speed reduction impacts
NE SacramentoNE 111thNE 122nd2021 (Completed)
NE ShaverNE 122ndNE 141st2021 (Completed)
SE 60thSE Flavel St.SE Flavel Dr.2021 (Completed)
SE NehalemSE 67thSE 72nd 2021 (Completed)
SE 64thSE ClatsopSE Flavel Dr.2021 (Completed)
SE FlavelSE 52ndSE Clatsop2022 (Completed)
N Columbia WayN FessendenN Smith2022 (Completed)
N OswegoN LombardN Columbia2022 (Completed)
N BuchananN LombardN Columbia2022 (Completed)
NE AinsworthNE MLK Jr. NE 15th2023 (Completed)
N PortsmouthN LombardN Fessenden2023 (Completed)
NE FremontNE 122ndNE 141st2023 (Completed)
SE 135thSE StarkSE Division2023 (Completed)
NE 139thNE GlisanSE Stark2024 (Completed)
SW 45thSW MultnomahSW Taylors FerryPostponed - Needs approval for speed limit reduction by ODOT (rejected in 2024).
SW Broadway Dr.SW PattonSW Broadway Ave2025 (In design)
SE HaroldSE 92ndSE 122nd2024 (Completed)
NE San RafaelNE 125thNE 138th2024 (In progress, weather may impact construction)
SW Burlingame Ave - Chicane PilotSW ChestnutSW Capitol Hwy2023 (Completed)
SE 62nd Ave - Chicane PilotSE Harney SE Flavel2025 (In design)
NE 119th  - Chicane PilotNE San RafaelNE Halsey2025 (In design)

Map of Projects

View a map of the projects.

This is a map showing projects to reduce speed on neighborhood cut-through routes.  It shows the locations for speed bumps, speed cushions and other traffic calming projects on streets throughout the city. PBOT understands that this map is not accessible for users of assistive technology. Due to the complexity of the information the map provides and the currently available map platforms at the city, it will take some time to make adjustments.  We thank you for your patience while we work on a technology-based solution. As we work toward providing accessibility, please contact email address and/or program name phone number to reach PBOT staff who can assist you to get the data you need from the map. You can also contact PBOT’s ADA Coordinator at Lisa.Strader@portlandoregon.gov or at 503-823-5703.

Again, thank you for your understanding and patience.

How were the projects chosen?

PBOT developed an evaluation matrix combining traffic operations like automobile speeds and volumes, policy considerations like priority safe routes to school corridors, and equity impacts using PBOT's Equity Matrix. Streets with the highest speeds and traffic volumes in areas of highest needs were prioritized.

Funding is from the Fixing Our Streets program.

Program Highlight

SW Burlingame Ave is home to a pilot traffic chicane project. Collaborating with the neighborhood, PBOT installed traffic chicanes using more temporary materials. The pilot project's goal is to determine if chicanes can reduce speeds more cost-effectively on narrow streets compared to speed bumps. Other streets in consideration are SW Dolph Ct, NE 118th Ave, and SE 62nd Ave. 

Traffic speed data is collected both before and after implementation to determine impacts to the street. SW Burlingame Ave is the first location in the pilot project.

Image shows a vehicle slowly driving past a newly installed chicane on SW Burlingame Ave.
The traffic chicane pilot project aims to reduce speeds more cost-effectively than speed bumps on narrow streets.

Why traffic calming on SW Burlingame?

SW Burlingame is identified as a Safe Route to School priority investment corridor. Safe Routes to School corridors are where PBOT focuses investments to help families walk, bike, and roll to school safely.

SW Burlingame is an important route for families accessing the Ida B Wells High School and Reike Elementary campuses.

Public Involvement Opportunities

Please contact Scott Cohen at 503-823-5345 or scott.cohen@portlandoregon.gov if you'd like to connect with PBOT staff about upcoming projects.

View past presentation to the Woodlawn Neighborhood Association about the NE Ainsworth Street, NE MLK Blvd to NE 15th Ave.

Will my street be considered?

Please contact 311 to report speeding or other safety issues. You can also look at the last 10 years of PBOT's traffic data available on this web map. This will show you similar data that PBOT staff use to evaluate traffic operations.


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Scott Cohen

Capital Project Manager, PBOT
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