The SW Capitol Highway: Multnomah Village - West Portland project is starting construction, and PBOT is hosting two virtual open houses this week to share information on what to expect during this 18-month construction phase.
A live presentation will take place on Zoom, Thursday, June 10th, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. It will take the form of a webinar in which the project team presents a slide show, then participants can write in questions using a Q&A feature within Zoom. A moderator will sort through the written questions and provide them to the presenters in real time. Verbal questions will not be enabled due to the expected large number of participants. Advance registration is not necessary. The Zoom link is below:
A separate, self-guided open house featuring an interactive map also will become available on June 10 and left open for several weeks. It will present much of the same information that will be covered in the Zoom presentation. Once the link becomes available it will be provided under the "What's Happening How" section of the project webpage, where the Zoom link is already posted.
People who have additional questions or want to speak or email one-on-one with project staff after the open house can use the project-specific email and message line to best reach staff:
Hotline: 503.823.2516
Major construction will start on or around June 14 with vegetation clearing on SW Capitol Highway.
The following newsletter was mailed to 5,207 addresses in the project area the week of May 24: