PBOT Updates Capitol Highway Subcommittee at Final Plans

News Article
Project staff presented the latest news on the SW Capitol Highway: Multnomah Village - West Portland project on November 12. A PDF of the PowerPoint presentation is available below.

The Capitol Highway Subcommittee, a subset of the Multnomah Neighborhood Association, hosted staff from PBOT and the Bureau of Environmental Services in a virtual meeting on Zoom the evening of November 12, 2020. PBOT project manager Steve Szigethy, City Traffic Engineer Wendy Cawley and BES project manager Lisa Moscinski were on hand to provide an update on the SW Capitol Highway: Multnomah Village - West Portland project and answer questions. Highlights included a description of minor scope reductions that have been incorporated into the final project plans to reduce costs, and a look-ahead at the schedule, which has the project going to bid in December and starting construction in March 2021. A PDF copy of the PowerPoint presentation is available below.