Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

The Benefits of Street Infrastructure

About the benefits of funding street, stormwater and sidewalk infrastructure through a Local Improvement District (LID).

Many Portland residents live on streets that don't meet city standards for transportation infrastructure. They may be unpaved, lack sidewalks, and have no stormwater drainage facilities.  Although substandard streets may have little traffic, they often cause difficulties for neighborhood residents.  Speed bumps may be installed on streets newly paved by an LID with City Traffic Engineer approval; however it is not cost-effective to form LIDs to install speed bumps on already-paved streets.

Paved streets and sidewalks improve access for pedestrians, bicycles, cars, and emergency vehicles. Additionally, stormwater management systems are constructed at the same time as the street in order to provide proper drainage. Wear and tear on cars is reduced, and transportation infrastructure contributes to increased neighborhood livability, appearance, and property values. Furthermore, once a street is fully improved to City standards, the City of Portland will maintain the street along with other streets around the city for which maintenance responsibility has been accepted. Property owners' liability for substandard streets is also eliminated.


Andrew Aebi

LID Administrator & Project Manager, PBOT
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