What's Happening Now?
We are finishing the design and acquiring necessary property easements. We will then hire a construction contractor to build the project.
Project Background
PBOT will construct a pedestrian crossing with a signal to help people cross W Burnside Street at St. Clair Avenue. W Burnside Street is on Portland's High Crash Network and is a priority for safety improvements.
This project will fill a pedestrian crossing gap of approximately 1,000 feet between the signals at 21st and 23rd avenues. It will connect the NW District to Goose Hollow, serve commercial destinations on W Burnside Street, and support a high-ridership TriMet bus stop serving lines 15, 18, and 20.
Design Details
This project will include:
- A new pedestrian crossing with a pedestrian hybrid beacon equipped with Accessible Pedestrian Systems
- Rebuilt curb ramps that meet current standards for accessibility
- Curb extension on southeast corner to reduce crossing distance and keep W Burnside St. sidewalk clear of signal equipment
- Left turns prohibited from northbound SW St. Clair Ave. to westbound W Burnside St. to protect crosswalk users
- The image at the top of the page shows what a pedestrian hybrid beacon at this location may look like (image does not show all project elements and is subject to change)
Project Funding
$1.1 million from local and state/federal sources, including All Roads Transportation Safety, public parking revenue, and local cannabis tax revenue.