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Upper St. Johns & N Burr Neighborhood Greenways

Engineering And Design
Early implementation of two North Portland in Motion Plan's recommended neighborhood greenways.
A black and white street sign, “SPEED LIMIT 20,” on top of a green and white street sign, “[person on bike icon] Neighborhood Greenway [pedestrian icon]” on a street in a residential neighborhood with a half dozen people riding bikes.
On this Page

UPDATED - What's Happening Now

The Upper St. Johns portion of the neighborhood greenway on N Charleston from N Lombard to N Johnsonwood is expected to move to construction in mid-September. Weather may impact the start and duration of construction. 

The N Burr neighborhood greenway is mostly completed. One additional element of the project (speed bumps on N Bristol) are in design and expected to be constructed in 2024 after the Charleston section.


North Portland in Motion is PBOT's effort to identify transportation needs and near-term investments in the North Portland peninsula. North Portland in Motion's goal is to improve access to community destinations and support walking, biking, and transit use.

As part of North Portland in Motion, several projects are undergoing early implementation. These are projects with identified funding from the Fixing Our Streets program with wide community support through the North Portland in Motion planning process. 

This webpage covers two neighborhood greenway projects slated for spring/summer 2024 construction:

  • Upper St. Johns neighborhood greenway (see Discussion Draft map and elements, below)
  • N Burr neighborhood greenway (see Discussion Draft map and elements, below)

Project Elements (what's getting built)

You can view maps with infrastructure elements by clicking the location links, below.

  • N Bank, N Swenson, and N Bristol:
    • Speed bumps on N Bristol from N Central to N Pier Park Pl
    • Sharrow, pavement markings.
    • Wayfinding signs.
    • 20' of parking removal at intersection.
    • Stop sign re-orientation at two intersections (N Smith & N Bristol; N Mohawk & N Bank)  and new stop signs at two intersections (N Tyler & N Banks; N Olympia & N Burr).
  • N Charleston portion, Lombard to Johnsonwood:
    • Speed bumps from N Lombard to N Johnsonwood.
      • Bike friendly speed bumps N Lombard to N Swenson
    • Sharrow, pavement markings (Lombard to Swenson).
    • Wayfinding signs (Lombard to Swenson).
    • 20' of parking removal at intersection.
    • Median Island at N Smith and N Charleston.
    • Stop sign re-orientation at one intersection (N Charleston & N Hartman)
  • N Burr, N Bank to N Central:
    • Sharrow, pavement markings.
    • Wayfinding signs.
    • 20' of parking removal at intersection.
  • N Burr, N Willamette to N Central:
    • Speed bumps from N Willamette to N Lombard.
      • Bike friendly speed bumps
    • Sharrow, pavement markings (Lombard to Central).
    • Wayfinding signs (Lombard to Central).
    • 20' of parking removal at intersection (Lombard to Central).
    • Crosswalk at N Lombard and N Burr

Upper St Johns Neighborhood Greenway Map

Image shows map and elements of the Upper St Johns neighborhood greenway

N Burr Neighborhood Greenway Map

Image shows map and elements of the N Burr neighborhood greenway

Parking Removal

There is a small amount of parking removal associated with these projects. PBOT's aims to daylight the corners by removing approximately 20' of on-street parking at intersections to make people and vehicles more visible while using or crossing the neighborhood greenway. You can learn more about PBOT's parking visibility guidelines here.

To see specific locations where parking removal is taking place please view the documents below:

Project Schedule

Project is currently in design and public outreach phase.

Construction is expected in late spring to early summer. 

The project will be phased:

  • Phase 1 - Construction on N Bank, N Swenson, and N Bristol portion.
    • Construction on N Burr, N Central to N Bank.
  • Phase 2 - Construction on N Charleston portion, Lombard to Johnsonwood.
    • Construction on median island at N Charleston and N Smith may occur at different time than the rest of the project elements.
  • Phase 3 - Construction on N Burr, N Willamette to N Central.
    • Construction of the crosswalks at Lombard and Burr may occur at a different time than the rest of the project elements.

Project Email List

Sign up for the North Portland in Motion email list to stay up-to-date on project elements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will this project build bike lanes?

The projects will not include bike lanes for the entire street. Neighborhood greenways are shared streets for people bicycling and driving. There may be small sections (approximately 50') where bike lanes are installed at intersections to separate people biking from people driving. These will be specifically called out in project elements above.

What will the wayfinding signs and pavement markings look like?
Image shows a wayfinding sign and shared lane pavement marking.
Image shows a graphical representation of a street with sharrow pavement markings and wayfinding signs that help people follow the neighborhood greenway route.

The main pavement marking will be a shared lane marking that shows people where to ride and where to expect people on bikes. The wayfinding signs and pavement markings are shown in the image at right. 

Will on-street parking be removed?

There may be some parking impacted at intersections. In order to ensure visibility of corridor users, a short no-parking visibility area may be required. Those areas do not allow parking approximately 20 feet from an intersection or a marked crosswalk. Please refer to the Parking Removal section above for specific information.

How can I get involved?

The project team is actively looking for opportunities to meet with community organizations. Please contact the project team at:

Or sign up for the email list to stay up-to-date on the projects in North Portland in Motion.


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