Project Background
Commuter traffic using local streets as cut-through routes to access the Sellwood Bridge is a longstanding neighborhood livability issue for the Sellwood-Moreland community.
Staff from PBOT have been meeting with representatives of the SMILE Neighborhood Association since 2018 to discuss ways of discouraging non-local cut-through on the residential streets both north and south of SE Tacoma. Many options have been discussed, with several options already implemented, primarily changes to signal timing on the west end of the bridge to improve bridge capacity. Several options entail significant potential tradeoffs, making addressing the overall issue complicated. These discussions have eventually led to the current approach, which is geared toward targeted mitigation of the speed and volume problems associated with the cut-through traffic by installing speed bumps.
Based on an evaluation of traffic data and meetings with neighborhood representatives, six streets in the neighborhood have been selected for the initial implementation phase. If there is local resident support demonstrated for installing speed bumps on each street, PBOT will arrange to have the bumps constructed sometime later this spring or summer. A potential second phase of speed bumps streets will be based on an evaluation of the initial phase results.
Project Funding
To be determined (< $100,000)