Because the overall cost of improving the entire project area at once greatly exceeds the funding currently available, construction of the project needs to be broken out into at least two or probably more construction phases.
Phase One: SW 22nd Ave to SW 31st Ave
Includes sidewalks, stormwater management and improved bicycle facilities on the north side of Multnomah Blvd and improved bicycle facilities and stormwater management on the south side (no sidewalks).
Why is this area in the first phase?
The eastern section represents the ‘low hanging fruit’ of the entire project area: there are fewer constraints in terms of geography and available right-of-way for construction compared to the rest of the project area, particularly on the north side. This project can also take advantage of construction activity related to the Burlingame Sewer Rehab Project, which will reduce costs.
Phase Two: All other improvements
Project Funding
Construction of the project’s first phase takes advantage of two new funding sources for transportation improvement projects:
- BES/ PBOT Bike/Stormwater fund
- State House Bill 2001 transportation funds
Approximately $4 million is available for the first phase of the Multnomah Blvd Project.
Open House Comments
February 17, 2011
- Tree are a water of $- lets use the money for a better project.
- Option 3- Hybrid please
- Loving hybrid option, added tree cover and better bike/ped facilities. As a visitor to the neighborhood these are much appreciated improvements. I don’t much bike to places that are unsafe, but as the City continues to improve and connect bicycle facilities you bet I love exploring the newly assessable neighborhoods!
- Its going to be great- trees, bike lane and pedestrian safe, and starts this year too!
- I hope there will be $ for phase II also.
- Shift plans to the northern edge of the ROW in order to make the future south sidewalks easier to do.
- Multnomah came in 3rd on the SW survey of needed infill sidewalk/. Why is this being built- PBOT as no institutional integrity.
- All parking provided (should be) paid 100% by property benefiting. Adjacent property owners should pay 20% of the cost for their frontage.
- Safeway- 2-way bike/ped (wide) separated on one side. South side combined bike/ped into one facility, not just cycle track.
- Yes, make bicycle, pedestrian improvements- the are used.
- Idea: Let cycle track be continuous thru intersection.
- I like the infiltration trench design and the cycle track design.
- Option 3- hybrid design!
- Really like the hybrid and inclusion of more trees. This project is way beyond my wildest dreams. This gets folks unafraid to bike. All my peers (50-70) say that they would shop and exercise by bike if they felt SAFE. This project will help them transition.
- I think the infiltration trench design is better. It provides better separation than the mountable curb of the cycle track.
- We do not need additional trees to maintain. There are enough already.
- I like the separation between the bike lane and the road created by the infiltration trench. I don’t like the perf pipe at the bottom of the trench. Many studies have shown that if you don’t raise the pipe to store and infiltrate the most polluted wq storms and help attenuate the 25 year storms.
- Build stub sidewalks.
- Move 25th to 28th street section to north, up to ROW line to make sidewalk easier in future.
- Build curb returns on all four corners at 25th Ave to better define crosswalks, whether marked or not.
- Build curb returns on S side at 31st Ave to define crosswalk.
- All corners should be design as future crossings to south side.
- Old firs used to be here and concerns about more older trees falling. Plenty of new ones.
- Have end of cycle track be straight rather than curved. Curved design may catch bike tires and cause falls. Better yet, continue cycle track concrete across intersection.
- Concerned about older trees going down.
- How will street sweepers or snowplows access a separated cycle track like the infiltration trench.
- Extend sidewalk on 22nd Ave to Multnomah and crosswalk to north side of sidewalk to direct pedestrians away from south side cycle track.
- Need to better connect eastbound bikes to Barbur.
- Tight squeeze under bridge.
- Provide 400-100 CF of native compost amended soil per tree with a depth of at least 3 feet to promote healthy trees.
- You could extend the infiltration area under the sidewalk corridor and cycle track without much risk. Porous pavement is also a reasonable alternative because infiltration area is as big as contribution area, Proper design will hydrologically isolate these areas so it will not clog for many years!
- Tree are not needed- we have more than we need.
- Tree help visually narrow the roadway and help slow traffic- and they are beautiful.
- T-intersections must be designed from crossing of Multnomah even if un-marked.
- Is a bark or natural surface shoulder on sidewalk possible for runners?
- Put in high visibility crosswalks on Multnomah at 28th and 25th Ave.
- Need wider entrance (driveway?) at 2502-2520.
- Could cycle track on south side be a shared walkway- bike walker symbols on pavement or different colors?
- Crosswalks at 25th and 28th Ave important.
- Pedestrian activated signal at 25th!
- Make cy7cle track on south side a multi-use path to get peds to 22nd Ave.
- Plan for a signalized intersection at end of Multnomah ramp from Barbur Blvd.
- We need good, safe crosswalks at 31st Ave and 22md Ave. Help people access transit on Barbur Blvd and Capitol Hwy.