SW Capitol Highway Improvements: Multnomah - Texas

This project included repaving, updating existing curb ramps, and sewer repair on SW Capitol Highway between SW Multnomah and SW Texas streets.
Construction completed June 2020
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Project background and description

The pavement condition on SW Capitol Highway had deteriorated to a point that sections of it required a complete rebuild, and other sections required removing a minimum of 2.5 inches of pavement before repaving.

In addition to repaving the street, all existing curb ramps were updated to be ADA compliant and new ramps were installed where needed.

On SW 35th Avenue, just north of SW Capitol Highway, PBOT partnered with ARM Property Management to construct sidewalk improvements.

Sewer repair

PBOT partnered with the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) to deliver a sewer repair project in tandem with the paving project. BES reconstructed the main sewer line in the project area.

Please check the BES project website for more details about the sewer repair project.

Project funding

$1,700,000 from Fixing Our Streets. Other funding sources include the Bureau of Environmental Services and collaboration with nearby developers.

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