Springwater Connector Neighborhood Greenway

Under Construction
The Springwater Connector project will connect the north-south 70s and 80s Neighborhood Greenways with the Springwater Corridor Trail.
Construction July 2020 - January 2021
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What's happening now?

This project is under construction. Interlaken, Inc is the construction contractor working for PBOT. View the news page below for the most recent updates.

See construction news and project updates here. 

Project Background and Description

 This project includes:

  • Paving and adding a sidewalk to the gravel portion of SE 75th Place just south of Flavel Park
  • Paving and adding a sidewalk to the gravel portion of SE 87th Avenue south of SE Flavel Street
  • Paved multi-use path with lighting along the east edge of Flavel Park
  • Paved multi-use path with lighting connecting SE 87th Avenue to the Springwater Corridor
  • Installing safer crossings at SE Flavel St at Flavel Park and at SE 78th Ave
  • Pavement markings (sharrows)
  • Bicycle wayfinding signs
  • Speed bumps
  • Tree planting

The larger 80s Neighborhood Greenway is mostly complete and extends northward to the Montavilla neighborhood.
The larger 70s Neighborhood Greenway is currently under design as part of two separate projects and will ultimately extend from the Springwater Corridor to the Columbia Slough.

Map of Springwater Connector Neighborhood Greenway
Springwater Connector Neighborhood Greenway

Project Funding

$2 million in local funds including the Fixing Our Streets city gas tax, Transportation System Development Charges, and urban renewal funds from the Lents Town Center Urban Renewal Area.

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