Parkrose Neighborhood Greenway

Open While Under Construction
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will create the Parkrose Neighborhood Greenway to establish low-stress neighborhood streets that are great places to walk, bike, and roll. The greenway will connect the Parkrose Neighborhood on NE 115th Ave and on NE Skidmore Street.
Woman biking on a neighborhood greenway
Construction Spring 2024

What's happening now?

PBOT's contractor Granite Construction and its subcontractors completed speed bump construction in March 2024. Other neighborhood greenway elements such as painting sharrows, painting new crosswalks, and installing new signage will be completed over the following month. 

The project will include two phases.

Phase 1: 

  • Painting sharrows
  • Installing speed bumps - COMPLETE
  • Improving visibility as needed at intersections by pulling on-street parking back from corners - COMPLETE
  • New striped crosswalks at NE Prescott St and NE 115th

Phase 2:

Traffic diversion is not planned on this greenway due to low vehicle volumes. 

Project background

The Parkrose Neighborhood Greenway was first identified in the East Portland in Motion plan. It is funded by Fixing Our Streets. 

View project postcard mailed to 2,700 residences in May 2023: 

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Project paid for by Fixing Our Streets: Your dime at work.



PBOT Neighborhood Greenways Construction Team

NeighborhoodGreenways@portlandoregon.govQuestions or comments about this project? Please contact us!

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