Outer Halsey Safety Project: 114th to 162nd avenues

Engineering And Design
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will construct pedestrian crossings, lighting, and sidewalk infill on NE Halsey between 114th Avenue and 162nd Avenue.
Outer Northeast Halsey Street with missing sidewalks
Construction Fall 2021
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What's Happening Now

July 2022: The project is nearing completion. All sidewalks are complete, and crews are installing and preparing to activate the two new flashing beacons.

Project Background 

With 478 crashes over the past ten years, including 19 fatalities or near-death injuries, NE Halsey Street is one of the most deadly high crash corridors within the city of Portland. Traffic safety on NE Halsey Street east of 114th Avenue has long been identified as a top priority for residents of East Portland and was included in the East Portland in Motion Plan adopted by City Council in 2011, and the East Portland Action Plan adopted in 2009.

Project Components

  • Improve pedestrian crossing safety with 2 median refuge islands equipped with rapid flash beacons (119th, 128th Ave).
  • Improved street lighting at the new pedestrian crossings.
  • Infill missing sections of sidewalk (approximately 4,750 lineal feet).

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