What's happening now?
Paving of northbound NW Front Avenue and NW Naito Parkway travel lanes was completed on June 15, 2019, and paving of southbound NW Front Avenue and NW Naito Parkway travel lanes was completed on August 25, 2019. Most striping was completed on October 28, 2019. Remaining minor striping is planned to be completed by November 15, 2019. Mast arm traffic signal installation at NW 17th & Front Avenue and at NW 15th & Front Avenue was completed on November 7, 2019. Mast arm traffic signal installation at NW 9th and Front Avenue / Naito Parkway was completed on November 8, 2019.
Project Background
The project will upgraded curb ramps to comply with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. Traffic signals at NW 9th, NW 15th, and NW 17th Avenues were alsod partially rebuilt.
Streets included:
- NW Front Avenue from the north property line of 2220 NW Front Avenue to NW 15th Avenue
- NW Naito Parkway from NW 15th Avenue to NW 9th Avenue
City Council formed the local improvement district (LID) on March 15, 2017, and the City issued a Notice to Proceed for construction on October 29, 2018.
Project Funding
The property owner of 2035 NW Front Avenue is providing supplemental funding for this project with most costs funded by the Portland Bureau of Transportation.