What's happening now?
The project is currently in the final design stages.
Over the fall of 2023 and winter of 2024 staff engaged in public involvement efforts. Residents, schools, neighborhood associations, and other community organizations have received postcards and other communications about the project with opportunities to learn more and provide feedback. See the public outreach and engagement section below to see past presentations and meetings.
This project is funded by the Fixing Our Streets program with a budget of $500k.
The project comes from the East Portland in Motion plan. The plan called for large investments in pedestrian, bicycle, and safety improvements east of 82nd Avenue.
Project Goals
- To provide a safe, easy-to-follow corridor for people to walk, bike, and roll between the Parkrose Heights, Russell, and Wilkes neighborhoods.
- To maintain streets with slower traffic speeds for people sharing the road.
- To help people crossing busy streets, like NE 122nd and 148th avenues, find the safest places to cross.
- To provide a safe route to school for Margaret Scott, Russell, and Wheatley families.
Project Design
The project is in final designs. Staff expects project elements to include:
- Speed bumps to keep speeds at or below 20 mph. Speed bumps are planned for the following streets:
- NE Russell, 122nd to 127th
- NE 127th, Russell to NE Stanton
- NE Brazee, 127th to 132nd
- NE Sacramento Street, in the school zones adjacent to Wheatley and Margaret Scott schools.
- NE Sacramento, 148th to 150th
- NE Knott, NE 150th to 158th
- NE Russell, NE Knott to NE 162nd
- Wayfinding signs and pavement markings to help people follow the safest route.
- The map below shows the expected project route
UPDATED: Project Schedule
The specific project schedule is still being developed. Staff expects the project to follow these approximate timelines:
- Design - Fall 2023 to Spring 2024
- Public Outreach - Fall 2023 to Spring 2024
- Construction - Fall 2024
Project Email List
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UPDATED: Public Engagement & Outreach
- View the presentation to the Summerplace community on 3/13/24.
- Project staff met with people at Jet Black coffee in Gateway on Saturday, 3/2/2024 from 12:30 to 2:30 pm to answer questions and hear feedback.
- View the presentation from the Russell Neighborhood Association meeting on 9/14/23 at 6:00pm.
- View the presentation from the East Portland Land Use and Transportation meeting on 10/18/2023 at 6:30pm
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Will this project build bike lanes?
While the project is still in design, it is unlikely to include bike lanes.
What will the wayfinding signs and pavement markings look like?
The main pavement marking will be a shared lane marking that shows people where to ride and where to expect people on bikes. The wayfinding signs and pavement markings are shown in the image at right.
Will on-street parking be removed?
There may be some parking impacted at intersections. In order to ensure visibility of corridor users, a short no-parking visibility area may be required. Those areas do not allow parking approximately 20 feet from an intersection or a marked crosswalk.
How can I get involved?
The project team is actively looking for opportunities to meet with community organizations. Please contact the project team at: NeighborhoodGreenways@portlandoregon.gov