Engineering And Design
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will construct safety improvements along NE Halsey Street between 68th and 92nd avenues. Includes crossing improvements, new sidewalks, upgraded curb ramps, protected bike lanes, and more.
Construction planned to begin Fall 2024
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What's Happening Now?
Design is underway on the project.
Project Components
- Build new sidewalks on the north side of NE Halsey Street between 85th and 92nd avenues
- Improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure between NE 80th and 92nd avenues, including:
- Two-way buffered bike lanes from NE 80th Avenue to Jonesmore Street
- Two-way buffered bike lanes on the south side of NE Halsey Street between Jonesmore Street and 92nd Avenue.
- Improve existing multiuse path from the NE 82nd Avenue MAX station to 81st Avenue
- Improve crossings where NE Halsey Street intersects:
- 68th/69th Avenue
- 80th Avenue
- Jonesmore Place/84th Avenue
- 88th Avenue
- Upgrade curb ramps to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Improve bus stops
- Conduct analysis on street lighting and add additional lighting if needed
Project Funding
This project is funded by Federal funds ($5,300,000), Transportation System Development funds ($2,580,000), General Transportation Revenue ($180,000), ODOT Bridge Program funds ($412,120), and Bureau of Environmental Services funds ($174,600). The total project cost is $8,646,720.