What's happening now?
Construction is substantially complete; a Notice to Proceed was issued by the City Engineer on 9/16/19. Most work was complete as of November 25, 2020. The street was permanently reopened to two-way traffic on 11/25/20 with minor punchlist items remaining.
Project Description
PBOT has partnered with Portland Parks & Recreation, the Portland Water Bureau, the Bureau of Environmental Services, and adjacent property owners to make this project a reality.
This project has:
- Fully reconstructed the existing failing asphalt street with new concrete pavement
- Added multi-use paths with bike-dedicated lanes on both sides of the street
- Extended the stormwater sewer
- Extended the sanitary sewer
- Replaced the existing century-old cast iron water main with a new ductile iron water main
- Added street lighting
Streets segments benefited by this project included:
- NE 47th Avenue from north of NE Columbia Blvd to NE Buffalo Street
- NE 47th Avenue from NE Buffalo Street to NE Crystal Lane
- NE 47th Avenue from NE Crystal Lane to south of NE Cornfoot Road
A new temporary traffic signal was installed and activated as of October 13, 2016 at the intersection of NE Alderwood Road and NE Columbia Blvd to accommodate detours during construction which have now concluded. The temporary signal will remain in place until a permanent signal is constructed as part of the NE Alderwood/Columbia/Cully project.
Project Funding
$7.6 million funded by:
- Portland Bureau of Transportation System Development Charge revenue
- Local Improvement District funding contributed by Portland Parks and Recreation, Bureau of Environmental Services (BES), and abutting property owners
- Portland Water Bureau