Election results

Follow along as Multnomah County shares unofficial election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

NE 41st Avenue & NE Glisan Street Intersection Improvements

Engineering And Design
Safety and access changes to make crossing NE Glisan Street on the NE 41st Avenue neighborhood greenway easier, safer, and more comfortable.
Image shows the intersection of NE 41st Avenue and NE Glisan Street
On this Page

What's Happening Now?

The project is in design.

Notification to residents, the school community, and neighborhood association is in progress. Public involvement opportunities may follow later this spring or early summer.


Crossing NE Glisan Street at NE 41st Avenue is challenging for many users, particularly for families accessing nearby schools. The current crossing requires walking approximately 65 feet across NE Glisan Street. People biking have no way to activate the signal from the street. People driving on NE Glisan Street approaching or departing from Coe Circle may not expect people walking and biking to be crossing at this intersection.

This project aims to improve the crossing cost-effectively by shortening the crossing distance, adding signal activation for people biking, updating outdated signal infrastructure, and changing lane configurations to help people driving focus awareness on the crossing.

Funded by the Fixing Our Streets program, this is part of the Neighborhood Greenway Traffic Calming projects to improve existing corridors. This project has a budget of $150k.

Project Goals

  • Improve safety at the intersection
  • Improve access to signal activation for people bicycling

Project Design

  • Add bike-accessible push buttons so people biking can activate the signal
  • Add short sections of bike lane or bike lane improvements to make crossing easier
  • Add concrete curbs to protect the bike lane, shorten crossing distances, and slow vehicles turning onto the NE 41st Avenue neighborhood greenway.
  • Restore full-time on-street parking on NE Glisan Street, west of NE 41st Avenue
  • Remove outdated pedestrian signal heads on the east leg of the intersection
Image shows the NE 41st and Glisan intersection improvement plan set overlayed on top of a satellite image

Outreach and Public Involvement Opportunities

Notification materials and public involvement opportunities coming soon.
