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NE 33rd Avenue Bridge

The NE 33rd Avenue Bridge over NE Lombard Street was closed for repairs after engineers with the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) observed damage to the concrete in one of the bridge’s cross beams. Repairs are now complete and the bridge reopened on Monday, July 31 2023.
A PBOT engineer examines damage to a cross beam on the NE 33rd Avenue Bridge over NE Lombard Street. Photo by PBOT.
Repairs complete, bridge reopened as of Monday, July 31 2023

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The NE 33rd Avenue Bridge over NE Lombard Street was closed for repairs after engineers with the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) observed damage to the concrete in one of the bridge’s cross beams. Repairs are now complete and the bridge reopened on Monday, July 31 2023.

What's Happening Now

July 31, 2023 Update: The NE 33rd Avenue bridge has been reopened as planned.

July 30, 2023 Update: Structural repairs of the NE 33rd Avenue Bridge are complete and the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will reopen the span by 3 p.m. on Monday, July 31, restoring a key corridor in Northeast Portland.

During repair work, engineers discovered a damaged railing on the portion of the bridge that connects northbound NE 33rd Avenue travelers to westbound Columbia Boulevard and the farther north section of NE 33rd Avenue. PBOT will repair this damaged railing over the course of several days this fall, once parts become available.

In the interim, large tractor trailers (over 55 feet in length) coming from points south of the bridge that wish to continue north on NE 33rd or head west on Columbia Boulevard will be detoured to 42nd Avenue.

The NE 33rd Avenue Bridge will be fully reopened for all other road traffic, including smaller trucks, on Monday afternoon.

The PBOT team recognizes that this bridge closure has had significant impacts and would like to thank Portlanders for their patience with this complex repair.

Photograph shows two contrators and a PBOT staff member on scaffolding pumping concrete into formwork under the NE 33rd Avenue Bridge
Close up of concrete pumping underway. Photo by PBOT, 6/27/23
Photograph of underneath NE 33rd Avenue Bridge. A construction worker is in the distance on scaffolding directing concrete being pumped from an adjacent concrete truck
Concrete being pumped into formwork under the NE 33rd Avenue Bridge. Photo by PBOT, 6/27/23

June 27, 2023 Update: We are pleased to share that we have reached a key milestone in the repair of the NE 33rd Avenue Bridge. Today, we are pumping a special concrete mix into the forms under the bridge, replacing the cracked concrete removed earlier in the repair process. The new concrete will need about 10 days to harden fully, but once it is up to full strength the bridge will be structurally sound and ready for service again. We anticipate to be able to reopen the bridge and all its ramps by the end of July. To get notified when the bridge is open again, sign up here. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this project. We remain committed to repairing and reopening the NE 33rd Avenue Bridge as soon as it is safe to do so.

June 5, 2023 Update: Chipping out of the damaged concrete under the bridge structure is complete. This was difficult, time consuming work but it went smoothly and no additional cracking was discovered. Crews are now working on building forms in advance of pouring replacement concrete. Once pouring is complete, the concrete will need time to cure. As this work progresses, a full bridge closure and associated detours remain in place.

Photograph of underneath NE 33rd Avenue Bridge showing a PBOT maintenance staff member in a hard hat jacking the bridge
PBOT crews jacking the bridge onto the temporary steel support structure

May 19, 2023 Update: The NE 33rd Avenue Bridge has been successfully jacked onto a temporary steel support structure for repairs. Chipping away of the damaged concrete begins today.

May 12, 2023 Update: The NE 33rd Avenue Bridge will be fully closed for the final stages of repair starting Tuesday, May 16. Over the past year, PBOT crews have completed construction of a new foundation and temporary support structure to hold up the bridge during repairs (shown in photo at right). In this next stage of repair, crews will jack the bridge so it is supported by this temporary support structure. This will allow crews to demolish the cracked concrete and replace it. Provided the bridge repair work goes as planned, PBOT will be able to fully reopen the bridge and all its ramps to people driving, walking, biking and taking transit by mid-summer. The age of the bridge complicates repairs. If crews discover additional cracking during the repairs, the work and associated detours may be extended.

Photograph of underneath NE 33rd Avenue Bridge looking up. Photo shows steel girders installed to support bridge repair.
Steel support columns installed. Photo by PBOT. April 19, 2023

April 19, 2023 Update: Crews have completed standing up the support columns for the bridge repair and will spend the rest of the week further bracketing the bridge. We anticipate announcing a full closure of the bridge for the concrete repair work soon.

March 13, 2023 Update: Fabrication of the steel support structure needed for bridge repairs is complete. Crews will be placing and securing this structure over the next few weeks. Once secure, PBOT will issue a traffic advisory for a full bridge closure. This closure will allow our crews to efficiently remove the cracked concrete sections and replace them.

August 30, 2022 Update: Design drawings for the steel support structure are complete and installation of the needed repair work is now scheduled.

Photograph of completed concrete footing for repair of NE 33rd Avenue Bridge
Completed footing below NE 33rd Avenue Bridge. Photo by PBOT, June 2022

June 15, 2022 Update: The shoring footing work is now complete and now crew is working on fabricating the steel support structure. We do not have a reopening date for the bridge at this time.

Photograph of formwork underneath NE 33rd Avenue Bridge structure
Formwork for support structure on NE 33rd Ave Bridge. Photo by PBOT, May, 2022

May 17, 2022 Update: On site repair work continues with formwork pinned down and concrete for the support footings scheduled to be poured later this week.

Nov. 29, 2021 Update: PBOT engineers have completed the foundation design for the temporary steel bracing structure needed for the bridge repairs.

Sept. 15, 2021 Update: PBOT engineers have completed initial investigations of the bridge condition. They are now at work designing a temporary steel bracing to support the structure during repairs. The temporary bracing will keep the bridge standing as portions of the damaged concrete crossbeam are removed and replaced.

Aug. 25, 2021 Update: PBOT crews expect to complete further investigations and preliminary analysis of the bridge structure next week. This work will help us better understand the extent of the damage and allow us to begin design of a temporary bridge support. Detour signage is being installed and will route impacted travelers to the 42nd Avenue bridge over NE Lombard Street.


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