N Delaware Neighborhood Greenway: N Sumner St to N Terry streets

The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will create the N Delaware Greenway to establish low-stress neighborhood streets that are great places to walk, bike, roll, and play.
Two people biking
Construction planned for August 2024

What's happening now?

The contractor plans to install the project in August, though that may change based on weather and staff availability. 

What's the project scope?

N Killingsworth to N Kilpatrick Street
19 speed bumps

N Killingsworth Street at N Delaware Ave
Stripe green ‘crossbikes’ and stripe crosswalk on east leg of intersection

N Rosa Parks Ave at N Delaware Ave
Stripe green ‘bike box’ to separate people biking from people driving at red light. Right turns will not be permitted on red lights for people driving in order to prevent crashes. On-street parking removal adjacent to bike boxes. 

N Sumner Street to N Terry Street
Paint sharrows
Install wayfinding signs
Improve visibility as needed at intersections by pulling on-street parking back from corners
Turn stop signs as needed to favor continuous/un-stopped travel on Delaware Neighborhood Greenway

  • Vehicle volumes are already low - no traffic diversion off of the greenway is planned.
  • Note about N Lombard at N Delaware Ave: The crossing of Lombard at Delaware will continue to utilize the ODOT-built pedestrian crossing in the near term. PBOT will not have enough funding to make substantial changes to the N Delaware and N Lombard intersection at this time.

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View the postcard mailed to 4,000 area residents about the project in June 2023: 

Learn more about future North Portland biking and walking projects

PBOT's North Portland in Motion is a two-year planning effort to identify transportation needs and investments to improve access to community destinations and support walking, biking, and transit use in the North Portland peninsula. 

View the priority project recommendations 

Project paid for by Fixing Our Streets: Your dime at work.



PBOT Neighborhood Greenways Construction Team

NeighborhoodGreenways@portlandoregon.govQuestions or comments about this project? Please contact us!

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