Project location
NE Skidmore Street from NE 37th Avenue to NE 49th Avenue and NE Mason Street from NE 49th Avenue to NE 77th Avenue.
About the project
This project is part of a larger Neighborhood Greenways initiative to connect neighborhoods, schools, parks, jobs, commercial centers, transit, and other destinations throughout Portland. Neighborhood greenways are low-traffic and low-speed streets where we give priority to people walking, bicycling, and rolling. Project elements include speed bumps, pavement markings and signage.
What's happening now?
Due to unforeseen issues, construction for this project has been delayed. Construction will now begin in spring 2025 and may take several months.
Updated Design
In the late spring and early summer of 2024 PBOT staff presented the 60% design to the Roseway Neighborhood Association, the Cully Association of Neighbors, and the Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association. After hearing feedback from the community, the project team made several changes to the design. Updated design elements include:
Pedestrian Island at 42nd and Skidmore
Improved Crossing at 67th and Mason
Route Change to switch from Skidmore to Mason at 49th instead of 47th.
Final design can be reviewed below
Project Funding
This project is funded by Fixing Our Streets, the 10 cent voter approved gas tax.