Flanders Connector at NW Naito and Glisan

Engineering And Design
The Flanders Connector at NW Naito and Glisan seeks to provide a new crossing for pedestrians and people biking at Naito Parkway, connecting Waterfront Park to the Flanders Greenway.
Project schedule under development
Image shows conceptual plans overlayed over satellite image of Naito Parkway at the Steel Bridge
Concept Drawing of Flanders Connector at NW Naito and Glisan

What's Happening Now?

On February 14th, 2024, Portland City Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement to fund the project design and construction.

The project is tentatively scheduled for construction in 2025.

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Project Goals

  • Establish a street-grade crossing of Naito Parkway south of the Steel Bridge for pedestrians and people biking
  • Complete the NW Flanders Neighborhood Greenway project, providing a continuous connection for people walking and biking on NW Flanders between Tom McCall Waterfront Park and NW 24th Avenue
  • Allow for the installation of a Quiet Zone at the rail crossing

Project Background

In 2003, Portland Police Bureau requested the removal of a pedestrian overcrossing of Naito attached to the Steel Bridge due to concerns around crime. Since then, PBOT has been working to reestablish a crossing of Naito at street grade south of the Steel Bridge. Such a street level crossing requires changes to the signals and safety gates owned and operated by Union Pacific Railroad underneath the Steel Bridge at Naito. These upgrades to the rail crossing itself would have the additional benefit of enabling a quite zone, as long requested by neighbors in Old Town / Chinatown.

Map of NW Flanders Neighborhood Greenway Project
The Flanders Connector at NW Naito and Glisan connects the Flanders Greenway to Waterfront Park
